President Diab called Guterres and discussed the possibility of helping Lebanon, the Zionist violations and the burdens of the displaced.


Acting Prime Minister Hassan Diab made a phone call to the United Nations Secretary General, António Guterres, during which they discussed various issues of mutual interest and the efforts made by the international organization to help Lebanon overcome the crisis it is suffering.

The media office in Saraya announced in a statement: “President Diab praised the initiatives taken by the Secretary-General to help Lebanon, especially his participation in the presidency of the Paris conferences in support of Beirut and the Lebanese people and the appeal made urgent on August 4, 2020 to the international community to respond to the immediate needs derived from the explosion. In the port of Beirut.

President Diab informed the Secretary General about the reality of the spread of the Corona virus and highlighted “the need to rehabilitate government and private hospitals due to the exhaustion of their capacity to absorb patients and infected by the virus, and the urgent need to equip them with intensive care rooms and necessary medical devices, including respirators. “

Diab asked the Secretary General to “help provide 200 beds for intensive care rooms, and the United Nations support Lebanon in the vaccination campaign against the virus and the need to include all residents of Lebanese territory.”

The statement said that the United Nations Secretary-General “expressed his full understanding of the difficult conditions Lebanon is going through, which were aggravated by the explosion of the port and the spread of the pandemic.” He indicated that he would discuss with officials of the international organization the best means to help in this regard, in addition to the efforts of the World Health Organization and the United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator, Ms. Najat Rushdie.

During the call, President Diab raised “the issue of daily Israeli violations of Lebanese airspace, which have escalated in recent weeks, constituting a flagrant violation of Lebanese sovereignty and of Resolution No. 1701 by which Lebanon is committed, “noting that” these violations have increased in the recent period. “

President Diab stressed that these violations, as well as provocative and aggressive actions, the latest of which was the kidnapping of the pastor on January 12 from inside Lebanese territories, represent a threat to Lebanon and a threat to peace. and international security, which requires their urgent intervention to stop them.

The debate referred to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, where President Diab affirmed “Lebanon’s commitment to the tribunal so that it can fulfill the mission that has been entrusted to it.”

President Diab briefed the United Nations Secretary General on the “action plan of the Lebanese government for the return of displaced Syrians to their homes, which was approved by the Council of Ministers on July 22, 2020”, noting the major burdens borne by Lebanon. as a result of hosting them, especially in today’s difficult circumstances and despite the help it provides to donors to support host communities. “
It concluded that “the return of displaced Syrians to their homes cannot be linked to a political solution to the Syrian crisis.”

The statement from the Saraya media office indicated: “The Secretary General has taken note of the plan that he will propose to the High Commissioner for Refugees, considering that UNHCR is the reference directly interested in asylum matters.”

President Diab spoke with Guterres on the issue of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, noting that Lebanon will chair the agency’s advisory committee for a period of one year from 1 July 2021 and looks forward to cooperating fully with him and the High Commissioner to help find solutions to the various difficulties faced by the international organization and to ensure the means to ensure the performance of its work and the provision of services to the Palestinian refugees without any prejudice “.

“The issue of UNRWA is one of the urgent priorities of the United Nations, given the severe financial crisis that the agency suffers due to funding gaps and a significant shortage of financial resources,” Guterres emphasized.
