Politicians keep their movements secret for fear of assassinations … and Hariri is hiding the timing of his visit to Aoun for security reasons.


Muhammad Choucair wrote in “Nidaa al-Watan”, Lebanese fear of a resumption of the series of killings has led political leaders to be forced to establish house arrest and not leave their homes unless absolutely necessary, despite the fact that the level of political unrest is increasing due to the inability to form the new government pending the early passage of Prime Minister-designate Saad, who will seek out Hariri. Opening a hole in the wall of obstacles to the birth of the government.

Asharq Al-Awsat learned from well-informed political sources that Hariri, albeit for security reasons, the time when he would choose to go to Baabda to meet with President Michel Aoun in an attempt to restore the spirit of the author consultations that have been stalled for more than 20 days, their meeting “has become inevitable because it is not allowed for the doors to remain closed to form a government, in light of the changes that are taking place in the region on the one hand and the high level of crisis between Iran and Israel and the United States in the context of the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh.

The sources pointed out that Hariri “has convinced himself that he has no interest in maintaining the crisis situation, and that the country needs an important government because it can no longer tolerate any more collapse, and that forces it to prepare it to enter a new stage of recovery and from his position of responsibility that is imperative. He must not give in to pressure campaigns and intimidation, which leads to his blackmail.
He said Hariri “will not deviate one iota from the French initiative put forward by President Emmanuel Macron and will adhere to it as the basis for forming a government. Because the country needs to be reinforced with a social safety net to support stability and respond to the needs of the Lebanese. And he believed that “there is no place to participate in populist or controversial auctions that delay the birth of the government.”
He emphasized that this week “will witness a change in the direction of government formation, in consultation with Aoun, because the alternatives offered take the country into the unknown.” He stopped in fear that the series of killings would return to the Lebanese arena. She prefers not to go into detail about the reasons that invite her to be attentive and vigilant in the lost time, and if she received information from international or regional organizations that imposed the resort to political quarantine.
The sources revealed that “most political leaders fear the return of the series of murders and have taken the initiative to fix their conditions, beginning by imposing a ban on their movements and movements without revealing their concerns, until the official announcement of they came through the meeting of the Supreme Defense Council headed by Aoun “.
In this context, the sources said that Aoun began at the beginning of the meeting to ask the military and security leaders who were invited to his attendance to provide whatever they had information or data on the possibility of a security collapse that could threaten stability in the face of political crisis. She confirmed that the resigned Prime Minister Hassan Diab was quick to join her request, noting that Aoun had also talked about activating the government’s work by slightly expanding the direction of business until the government is formed.
He added that the Commander of the Armed Forces, General Joseph Aoun, was the first to intervene and presented a detailed report on the reality of the security situation and the efforts made by the security forces and the military to maintain stability, despite that the social and economic situation of the overwhelming majority of Lebanese is in constant tension, not to mention in his speech the possibility of returning. Murders
He added that the director general of the Internal Security Forces, Major General Imad Othman, spoke in the same context, presenting the efforts made by the security forces and the military to maintain security and protect stability, not to mention the existence of a plan to retake the murders.
