Pictures – New hospitals receiving doses of Coro vaccine | Phalanges


Today, the coronavirus vaccination campaign was launched in several government hospitals distributed in the Lebanese regions.

The Corona virus vaccination campaign was launched today at the Fattouh Keserwan Government Hospital – Al Bouar, and preparations were completed with the equipping of 8 vaccination stations, and the center was also equipped with the necessary logistical supplies and preparation of qualified medical and nursing staff. to monitor and perform homework.
In a statement, the hospital administration called on citizens to “respect the dates specified exclusively through the official platform, attached to the identity or document required for personal identification”, highlighting that “since the vaccine is the effective treatment currently available to limit spread. ” From this epidemic that has entered all countries and households, we encourage all citizens to resist registering through the platform to receive the vaccine, and it is the only and exclusive way to take appointments ”.


The vaccination process started at the Al-Ma’unat Hospital in Jbeil, and the hospital received 600 vaccinations at 9 a.m., and 128 medical staff are expected to be vaccinated at the start, and if things go well, The vaccination process can continue for some time in the afternoon until reaching 500 vaccinations.

The Saida Government Hospital, represented by its president, Dr. Ahmed Al-Samadi, received a batch of approved vaccines. The operation was carried out with the accompaniment of State Security personnel, in preparation for the vaccination process in the authorized center of the hospital.

