Pharmaceutical companies prepare to produce unprecedented amounts of Corona vaccine


The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said 28 pharmaceutical companies in ten countries are poised to produce unprecedented quantities of vaccines over the next two years to combat the Covid-19 pandemic.

This came during the organization’s announcement that it would help lead efforts to purchase and distribute vaccines.

UNICEF’s role is part of a plan to allocate vaccines for COVID-19 (known as Kovacs and co-led by the World Health Organization), which aims to purchase vaccines and provide equitable access to them. So far, 76 countries have pledged to join the Kovacs plan. UNICEF said 28 vaccine manufacturers have submitted annual production plans for Covid-19 vaccines through 2023. A market assessment by UNICEF revealed that “manufacturing companies are poised to collectively produce unprecedented quantities of vaccines in the next year or two. “.

However, the companies indicated that expectations “are highly dependent on, among other things, the success of clinical trials, entering into pre-purchase agreements, confirming funding, and simplifying regulatory affairs and registration methods. “.

UNICEF’s new role in the Kovacs plan stems from its position as the world’s largest individual vaccine buyer.

The United Nations agency said it purchases more than two billion doses of vaccines annually for regular vaccinations and to fight disease outbreaks on behalf of nearly 100 countries.

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