People’s Voice is a political investment platform


Day after day, the “Beirut International” platform, owned by Bahaa Hariri, is emerging more, and the game of attracting names that operate on different television stations, to reserve space for them in the virtual world, and continue with their political project. After Tony Khalife (“A Shameful Question”) and Hisham Haddad (Hishow Program), the role of LBCI, who opened an alliance with the Hariri platform, and yesterday launched the program “People’s Voice” presented by Mario Abboud, and airs simultaneously on the electronic platform and on a screen The station. The program was launched yesterday showing a video of one of the women, most likely Reem Haider, standing among a group of people and shouting for her stolen rights in this country, starting with the least demands: the right to life and to live, to Sacrificing himself later, in the study of the program, and in the face of a lengthy introduction from Abboud, he promises people that the program will be his “voice”, and his screams reach officials and criticize Lebanese politicians and their practices that “shook” the countries that supported Lebanon (implicitly, the Gulf states). However, in the recent form, the topic seemed cloned from the rest of the political talk shows that host two opposing or opposing sides in politics, with a slight change in the dialogue method, as the show wanted to be fast paced. . However, Abboud’s questions came quickly, As his guests explained the answers. The program, which lasted two hours, was attended by the resigned deputy Naama Afram, deputy Qassem Hashem, and the Lebanese ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, Fuad Dandan, the chancellor in the conduct of business, Charbel Wehbe, in addition to the analyst Saudi Mubarak Al-Ati, who emptied his pocket to attack “Hezbollah” and Iran, without Aboud interfering in redirecting what his Saudi guest says, or allowing his guest Qassem Hashem to make his voice heard in protest.

23 years ago, and before Marcel Ghanem resigned from LBCI in 2018 and went to MTV, his show had the phrase “People Talk.” In fact, it was the first forum for political and economic figures to polish their pages. And now comes the role of “People’s Voice” with a slight change in the phrase, and the alliance of lbci, and Bahaa Hariri, to be at the forefront of a product that does not differ from the rest, nor is it presented and delayed in the panorama television and even the hypothetical, since they all start from the pain of the people and work to reverse them, to achieve their political agenda. And utilitarianism.
