Pence and Harris … a quiet and serious debate overshadowed by Corona


Mike Pence and Kamala Harris, the Republican and Democratic vice presidential candidates, face the upcoming presidential election on Wednesday over their handling of the Covid-19 epidemic dominating the campaign.

“Americans witnessed the greatest failure of any presidential administration in the history of our country,” said Senator Kamala Harris (55), chosen by Democratic White House candidate Joe Biden for vice president. .

Harris will be the first woman to hold the vice presidency if Biden wins the November 3 election.

For his part, Mike Pence (61) defended the measures taken by the Trump administration, accusing Harris of “undermining the confidence” of Americans with a vaccine against the new Corona virus that is currently being prepared, while the Democrats accuse to the White House to try to circumvent measures to secure a vaccine before the election. “In fact, it continues to undermine public trust in a vaccine, if a vaccine is produced during the Trump administration, that is not reasonable,” Pence said.

Eight days after the first debate between the Republican president (74 years old) and his democratic opponent (77 years old) dominated by chaos, mutual insults and the boycott of each other again and again, the meeting between the two vice-presidential candidates allowed discuss more serious, calm and respectful topics.

Although the Republican Vice President and the Democratic Senator sometimes boycotted each other during the debate, they repeatedly exchanged expressions of thanks and respect, and each was listening most of the time.

In a tweet on Twitter, Trump, who is recovering from Corona and is in quarantine at the presidential residence, wrote: “Mike Pence won by a wide margin.” As for Biden, he tweeted: “Kamala Harris, we are proud of you.”

In reality, no clear winner emerges from the debate, while the Republican candidates (president and vice president) have to make up for the increasing delay at the polls.

Glass partition

He politely “congratulates” Pence, whose calmness contrasts with Trump’s fickle character, Kamala Harris, daughter of a Jamaican father and Indian mother, on her “historic” nomination as the first black candidate representing a major party.

This debate has been especially important since President Trump entered the hospital three days after announcing his contagion with Corona, preventing him from running a field campaign.

In fact, the vice president is invited to replace the president of the United States in the event of death or disability.

The sanitary precautionary measures were reinforced on Wednesday compared to those taken for the debate between the presidential candidates on September 29. He put up two glass barriers separating the vice president and the senator, who sat behind two desks four meters apart, in the televised debate in Salt Lake City, Utah. During his only debate with Pence, Harris confronted his opponent over the deaths of more than 210,000 people with Covid-19 in the United States, where the highest number of deaths was recorded in the world.


Pence has been head of the White House Crisis Unit tasked with fighting Corona since last February. He once again held China responsible for the spread of the epidemic and vowed to “hold it accountable.” The vice president, who shows no emotion on his face, has often found himself on the defensive defending his four-year account in office alongside the fickle billionaire. Smiling Harris, for his part, offered what she considered financial successes to Biden when he was Vice President Barack Obama from 2009 to 2017, in exchange for the performance of the Trump-Pence duo, whose terms end in “a recession like the Great Depression.” And he accused the Republican billionaire of pursuing a policy appropriate to the rich.

Pence replied, “Joe Biden will increase his taxes from day one.”

Harris refused to “take lessons” from his opponent and defended the “Obamaker” health insurance law that the Republican administration wants to get rid of.

Pence, a hard-line Christian who is close to the extremist conservative trend, presented his “pro-life” positions, accusing his opponents of supporting “late-term abortion” that was paid for by the “taxpayer.”

These major social issues have come to light, since Trump appointed a Supreme Court judge in September would strengthen the conservative majority within this key institution.

Democrats are asking the Senate not to vote on this nomination before the election.

Pence asked Harris urgently if his team would try to increase the number of Supreme Court justices if he won. But the candidate refused to answer. Finally, the Democratic senator vehemently attacked Donald Trump’s foreign policy. He said Trump “betrayed our friends and made friends with tyrants around the world.”

But at the end of the 90-minute debate, the comments on social networks seemed to focus on one small detail: a fly that landed for two minutes on the gray hair of the vice president of the United States.

Biden is ahead of Trump in national opinion polls, with 12 percentage points in the latest Reuters / Ipsos poll. Polls showed convergence of competition in some undecided states, which will likely achieve the result, although the aforementioned poll showed that Biden’s leadership in Florida is very important.
