Patients in Iran cannot find drugs … and the regime responds: “Reduce your doses.”


Although Iran produces more than ninety percent of its need in the field of medicines and drugs, the United States sanctions prevent the import of raw materials to the pharmaceutical sector and special types of medicines, which led to an unprecedented expansion of corruption in the pharmaceutical trade, especially before. Officials affiliated with the system.

“My mother cannot live without insulin, and I cannot live without it.” With these phrases, an Iranian journalist tweeted, urging his followers to inform him of the location of the insulin medicine for diabetics to buy it at “any price”, so that the answer comes quickly from a Twitter user, that the medicine is in the market. Black prices are up to eight times higher.

Amid a major health crisis in the country, the official Iranian solution was limited to the position of Food and Drug Administration spokeswoman Janush Jahanpour, who told the Iranians to “lower the dose,” noting that Any decrease in insulin intake could alter blood sugar levels and lead to heart attacks. And the need to amputate organs sometimes, according to the American website “Al-Monitor.”

Jahanpour described critics of the government administration of the drug file as “a group of charlatans who are waging psychological warfare, sucking the blood of Iranian patients.”

About 5.5 million Iranians out of 84 million have diabetes, and around 600,000 of them require daily doses of insulin.

And the storage and storage of vital drugs for use by powerful groups linked to higher authorities remains a difficult challenge for Iranian patients, as the frequent detection of fraud, mismanagement and profits in the pharmaceutical sector has weakened the capacity of the state. to convince the public that US sanctions are the main cause of the problems they suffer. People with diabetes in particular.

The government is withdrawing drugs from the entire market to create artificial crises, noting that in recent months it has increased its stock in the interior by importing an additional 50% above local demand, according to the head of the Economic Committee for Health of the Tehran Chamber of Commerce, Mahmoud Najafi Arab, who raised doubts about That part of the current stock remains outside the distribution cycle and is stored or smuggled with the green light of the authorities.
