Parliamentary Health Committee: Review exceptions to the closure decision and further strengthen closure measures.


The Parliamentary Health Committee issued the following statement: “The Parliamentary Committee on Public Health, Labor and Social Affairs, after reviewing the statement issued by the Ministerial Committee on the announcement of the general closure,

As you can see, the measures mentioned in the body of the communiqué were given without the growing danger that is reflected in the daily figures of casualties and deaths issued by the Ministry of Public Health, as well as the appalling decrease in the number of vacant intensive care beds. in hospitals on the one hand, as well as what the media and social networks report about the crowd gathered in Alegrías y tristezas, all without masks or taking into account the limits of social distancing, and some citizens even challenge the authorities in their circulars and measures openly and in front of the local and foreign media.

The Parliamentary Health Committee, which was surprised by the “permissive” level adopted by the Ministerial Committee’s statement, which the committee did not see similar in any country affected by the deadly epidemic, especially with regard to the “series” of exceptions contained in his body, which almost constitute an additional opportunity for the epidemic to increase its lethality and spread. For these exceptions to eliminate the possibility of escaping large segments of the “trap” of the epidemic, in this regard, the committee calls:

1 – Reconsidering exceptions, calling for stricter closure measures.

2 – That the measures be accompanied by a package of economic or in-kind aid that covers some of the needs of the poorest in their homes and a cane to lean on until the nearest opportunity after which they can go out to support themselves and your needs.
