Pandemics worse than Corona await the world … and “Global Health” demands preparation


Although the new Corona virus has made radical changes in the lives of citizens and in the global economy, the World Health Organization warned that the worst pandemics could be waiting for the world, and urged different countries to seriously prepare for them.

“This is an alarm. This pandemic is very serious. It has spread rapidly around the world and has reached every corner of the earth, but it is not,” said Michael Ryan, WHO chief of emergencies, during a press conference on the occasion of the first anniversary of the outbreak of the new virus in China. Necessarily the worst. “

He acknowledged that the virus “spreads very easily and kills humans,” but stressed that “the death rate is relatively low compared to other new diseases.” He stressed the need to “prepare in the future for what could be worse.”

While tremendous scientific progress has been made in studying the virus and developing vaccines at record speed, the organization’s senior adviser, Bruce Ellard, warned that the world is still far from ready to fight future pandemics.

“We are in the second and third waves of this virus, and we are not ready and cannot handle it yet,” he said.

He stressed that “although we are more prepared, we are not fully prepared for the current one (pandemic), and we are less prepared for the one that is coming.”

Figures and trends around the world reinforce these concerns.

In South Korea, which was a model in its successful handling of the first wave of the epidemic, today it registered the highest number of daily deaths since the beginning of the pandemic when facing the third wave of the virus.

As for India, the second most affected country in the world in terms of recorded infections, it announced that it had monitored a good fluidity of the virus, but officials confirmed that national guidelines regarding the pandemic had not changed.
