Palestinian shout at “Zoom”


Al-Bayan claimed a group of harassment practiced by the application and through which it prevented digital seminars

Following the Zoom app’s repeated harassment of Palestinians in particular, the latest of which was the prevention of a seminar in which Palestinian activist Leila Khaled would participate, Palestinian associations and organizations signed a statement condemning the app’s involvement in digital discrimination against Palestinians and imposing their censorship on content. The statement emphasized that the risks have increased, as have violations of freedom of expression and the right to political assembly digitally. He recalled a harassment group practiced by Zoom, which prevented digital seminars and imposed its censorship on their content. He noted the impact of technology companies’ policies and practices on human rights, and their increased right to digital expression and assembly, especially by the Israeli government, in contrast to the persistence of Palestinian and international activists and researchers. to face this censorship, which is equivalent to eliminating content and reducing the Palestinian space. The statement did not hide the importance of these platforms, especially in these times, and the absence of the possibility of completely dispensing with their services, calling for adherence to norms and civil and political rights, and the abolition of discrimination. against the Palestinians, based on “international human rights standards at the United Nations.”
