Palestine demands pressure on Israel to introduce Corona vaccine prisoners


Gaza / Nour Abu Aisha / Anatolia

On Sunday, a Palestinian committee called on the World Health Organization to pressure Israel to introduce a Corona virus vaccine to Palestinian prisoners inside prisons.

This occurred at a press conference held by the “Prisoners Committee” of the “National and Islamic Forces” group in Gaza (which includes most of the Palestinian factions), in front of the headquarters of the International Committee of the Red Cross. on the fringe.

Ahmed Al-Mudallal, leader of the Islamic Jihad, said on behalf of the committee: “There is a state of fear and anxiety for the lives of the prisoners, in light of the rapid spread of Corona within the prisons.”

He continued: “This spread is due to the lack of preventive means and treatment supplies, in addition to preventing the entry of doctors and specialists, and not allowing the entry of Corona vaccines into prisons.”

Al-Mudallal called on the Palestinian Authority to raise the issue of prisoners in international forums.

He called on human rights organizations to intervene to save the lives of prisoners from the danger of Corona, especially the sick, in addition to the need to investigate the crimes committed by the enemy within prisons.

According to the Palestinian Prisoners Club (non-governmental), the number of Palestinian detainees infected with Coronavirus in Israeli prisons is 171.

Israel has about 4,400 Palestinian prisoners, including 40 women, in its prisons, while the number of detained children is about 170 and administrative detainees (without charges) are about 380, according to official Palestinian data.

Israeli media, including Channel 7 (private), reported that Israeli Minister of Internal Security Amir Ohana issued instructions on December 26 to the Prison Authority not to administer Corona vaccine to prisoners.

Ohana linked the vaccination to obtaining permits from official authorities, while allowing employees and workers of the Prison Authority to receive the vaccine, and is expected to begin distributing them next week.

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