Our defense cooperation with Venezuela is legal and we will continue it


Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that defense cooperation between his country and Venezuela is completely legal and that they will continue it.

Zarif noted that the United States has resorted to its outdated strategy of arrogance and threatening states.

Zarif’s remarks came in an interview with the “Tell Sur” channel, reported by the Iranian news agency Fars.

On the US threats regarding arms cooperation between Iran and Venezuela, he said: Defense cooperation between the two countries is completely legal.

He stressed: “We will continue to cooperate with Venezuela, including in the field of defense, and we believe that Venezuela has the right to buy military equipment anywhere it wants and the United States has nothing to do with this matter in any way.”

And on the fear of further imposing a US embargo on Iran, he said: As O’Brien, Trump’s national security adviser, put it, there was little left to impose on Iran.

He explained that “the United States tried to extend arms restrictions on Iran in the UN Security Council, but suffered a reprehensible defeat,” noting that it resorted to this antiquated strategy of arrogance and threatening states.

And media reports have considered that cooperation between Iran and Venezuela may pose a potential threat to Washington’s security due to the transfer of military technology from Tehran to Caracas.

Zarif described relations between Iran and Venezuela as “excellent,” noting that during his talks in Venezuela, he addressed the need for countries under pressure from the United States to be side by side.

He stressed that cooperation between Iran and Venezuela in the field of the oil industry will be strengthened, adding: We have endured American pressure for 40 years, and if we wanted to surrender, we would have done so for a long time.

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