One week after closing … a sector hit by a “disaster”


The secretary of the Lebanese Poultry Union, William Boutros, issued a statement on Wednesday, in which he warned that “a week after the general shutdown, there are major problems that have begun to appear strongly threatening the poultry sector.”

Boutros pointed out: “The field work this week showed that the delivery service at the points of sale could not have more than 10 percent of the sector’s production with the recognition of the supermarket owners union, and at the same time it was not possible to keep chickens on farms. In case of being slaughtered, it cannot be placed in refrigerators for more than one or two days, so it is necessary to distribute it to points of sale, be they supermarkets and equipped stores or restaurants for their disposal and direct delivery to citizens.

Boutros said: “After a week of the general shutdown, it was clear to us that demand has decreased by around 70 percent, which means that 70 percent of chicken production will remain on farms without unloading, which will constitute a disaster for farmers. “

And he highlighted, “the need to reconsider the exceptions in terms of allowing the opening of supermarkets, as part of its obligation of strictly preventive conditions and extending the delivery period for restaurants as a first stage.”

And highlighting that “the State cannot be blamed for its sanitary measures in the face of the outbreak of the epidemic and the suffering of medical personnel and hospitals,” he considered that “there is an urgent need for a careful reading of the measures taken, reviewing them and amending, especially with the talk about extending the general closure period. “

Boutros pointed out that the “delivery” service cannot satisfy only a small part of the citizens’ needs for chicken products, and pointed out that “the distribution of chicken needs refrigerated carts to maintain its quality and the nutritional and health conditions required. , while most of the distribution is in Supermarkets are driven on motorcycles and this exposes them to food safety risks “.

And when he asked about the fate of poultry farms, he warned that “extending the general closure in light of maintaining the measures currently adopted without modifying them will lead to disastrous results for the sector, especially since the chickens on the farms will increase in size and may spend”.

Boutros appealed to officials saying: “There are 20 million poultry on the farms and we have to get rid of them so that the tragedy of the first closure period does not repeat, as the farmer could not get rid of his production at that time. , which caused large losses. Farmers went bankrupt and resulted in chicken shortages and exorbitant prices at the end of the shutdown. ” Emphasizing that to avoid a recurrence of this problem, the supermarket must be open for a certain time and the delivery service in restaurants must be reestablished to facilitate the provision of production.
