On Michel Hayek … Carmen Shammas: This is what you expected from Trump!


The astronomer Carmen Shammas explained that this “science is completely different from the vision that many make”, highlighting that she “does not believe in this matter and considered it incorrect from her childhood.”

Shammas, and during an interview on the program Spot on with journalist Ralph Matouk on Voice of All Lebanon Radio and Voice of Tomorrow Australia, confirmed that “the most important thing in this science is time and take your precaution when the day is not appropriate “, noting that he learned it when he emigrated to Colombia. In times of war. And now he had a consultancy after living in this country for 12 years and he had credibility in asking for his opinion in any presidential race that happened and his expectations were always correct because time there is very important and they have great progress on this issue.

He noted that “there are a lot of people translating books for astronomers from abroad.”

Since last year, Shammas stopped publishing his own book, considering that the audience trend has turned towards social networks and YouTube, so he preferred to watch a video because the book takes a long time to write and can no longer be put on. up to date with the right time, and opened his channel when the future station began to review and failed. She prevents you from looking through any station that offers you the rights that suit your career and experience.

Regarding the elections in the United States, Carmen said: “She bowed her fist in favor of Donald Trump, an astronomer, and expressed it on Twitter and was attacked, but that is not her opinion, but according to astronomy newspapers, and even today he sees big chances from Trump, unless he gives up. “

Looking at the situation in Lebanon, he saw that the matter had become more than one or two people or a huge problem.

She explained that her entry to the Channel of the Future was through an intermediary who contacted Ali Jaber, the Executive Director at the time and asked her to present the daily horoscopes directly to the air in addition to the communications, and she expressed her consent and was able do it, and underwent a change in his appearance and training to appear in front of the camera and after about a month. Started.

Deacon settled the controversy and said that there is no competition between her and anyone, confirming that she does not follow Maggie Farah and has not seen him once, noting that each person has their own way of presenting horoscopes, but the difference between the results negative and positive shows a problem in those who present them.

She revealed that she personally knew everyone who had expectations, contacted Maggie Farah when she was ill and reassured her and expressed her admiration for Michel Hayek and described what he says as inspiration, that he is a strong person.

Deacon denied the stones’ association with luck, as there is no evidence for that, but said that “the stone carries energy, but its effect on human life is not yet clear.”

And she said: “Our Lord created the solar system to time, when there is a significant or very large movement between the planets and one of them enters a tower or the other goes back, and this is what affects the geology of the earth because the man and his destiny are attached to the planets and any change in them impacts ”.

He explained that “the rising or rising sign is according to the time a person gives birth, the place, year and time of birth.”

He said that the most important constellations are Scorpio, Cancer, Aries and Capricorn. The satellite signs are Libra, Cancer, and Pisces.

As for the innovative signs, they are Sagittarius, Taurus, Libra, Gemini and Aquarius.

She described the Virgo man as logical and precise and loves organization, especially in his work, and it is not desirable for them to rush to do something and does not like to be imposed on him and has a resemblance to Scorpio, as they both have an accurate observation .

He indicated that the Tower of Lebanon is Scorpio, according to the day of its independence, and this is according to the astronomical map.

He noted that the people who meet in general are dirt with each other, air together, water with each other, but in many cases there are exceptions.

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