Oh Tire :: Unreassuring Tire District News: A New Rise in Corona Injuries


The Disaster Management Unit of the Union of Municipalities of the District of Tire reports and is based on the report of the Medical Director Dr. Wissam Ghazal that “today there were 34 laboratory confirmed and confirmed COVID-19 cases, and all injuries They were from contact residents, including 5 injuries from the Palestinian community and one from the Indian community (UNIFIL).

Consequently, the number of wounded in the district increased to 1,241, distributed as follows:

203 imported cases (3 deaths)

1,038 local cases, including 171 cases of Palestinian citizenship, 33 cases of Syrian nationalism and 4 cases of Iraqi nationalism
114 UNIFIL cases

(17 local deaths)

433 of them made a full recovery.

The Disaster Management Unit of the Union of Municipalities of the District of Tire is the only authority authorized to issue data on reality and health data related to Coronavirus, number of patients, recovered cases and suspects, according to a report by the Medical Director , and therefore we hope that all parents will not be attracted by any news not issued by this unit.

Due to the continuous increase in the number of injured, according to reports from the Ministry of Public Health, we recommend that all residents of the Tire district continue to fully comply with the non-mixing and apply all instructions issued by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the Ministry of Public Health to avoid any potential injury or damage.

Sunday, October 11, 2020 at 8:00 pm
