Oh photos :: The Minister of Agriculture imposes a thousand pound tax to encourage agriculture. Here are the details of the decision!


The Ministers of Industry and Agriculture, Emad Hoballah and Abbas Mortada, emphasized the support of the productive sectors in Bekaa, especially the agri-food industries sector.

The speeches of the two ministers came during a meeting held at the Gran Gardenia Complex in Zahle at the invitation of the head of the Industrial Assembly at Bekaa Nicola Abu Faisal in the presence of Representatives George Aqis, Anwar Jumaa, Adi Damergian, the former Minister Elie Maroni, pastor of the Zahle diocese and Archbishop of Bekaa, to Greek Bishop Ortho-Al-Bekaa. General Ministry of Industry, Danny Gideon, Director General of the Ministry of Agriculture, Louis Lahoud, Director General of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture in Zahle and Bekaa, Youssef Juha, Vice President of the Association, Abdel Khader, President of the Association of Traders from Zahle, Ziad Saadeh, Mayors, Security Leaders, Lebanese Party Coordinators, and a large number of Lebanese groups. Industrialists and owners Industrial establishments.

The meeting began with a speech by the head of the Industrial Group in Bekaa, Nicolas Abu Faisal, in which he stressed that “there are no new demands that we have, apart from the one announced by the President of the Industrial Association, Dr. Fadi Al- Jamil at the Industrial Day that was celebrated in Beirut at the Biel Complex on January 20 last year and then we received a promise from the Governor The Bank of Lebanon pumped money to import raw materials for the industry, but unfortunately they kept promising, warning “Against approving any cabinet decision that allows merchants to import basic items for a subsidized dollar, such as diesel, flour, and medicine, and then smuggle them outside the borders.”
He continued: “You are our guarantee at the cabinet table not to approve such decisions by influential people who are money traders and human beings who exploit the livelihood of citizens because of their greed, calling for the achievement of part of the social justice working on legislation to abolish the value added tax on Food Products produced in Lebanese factories, and a temporary exemption for Lebanese factories from income tax for five years to advance the industrial sector and bring new investments to this sector , hoping that the economic document prepared by the government will be an entry point to solve the suffocating financial and monetary crisis, citing the success of the government, especially the Ministry of Health in addressing the issue of the spread of a Corona pandemic , hoping to successfully complete the release of the judiciary and the bleeding cut in electricity and the control of border crossings. “

In turn, Mortada pointed out that we are in a government “facing challenges”, we have plans, points of view and ideas, and we are determined in the government to convert the economy from a rentier economy to a productive one, and this problem is not achieved quickly , but it needs work and time, and during this stage the few that we have started to achieve, and next week we will free the mother fields for all fruit trees in the Agricultural Research Service, and for two months we have been testing, and all the seedlings we import from abroad have “rooted” us in our land. He considered that the most important thing about this is that we will be able to export these seedlings abroad and we will work to ensure local fruits throughout the year.

Mortada noted that the Ministry of Agriculture is allowing land in Lebanon today, and we will introduce a bill to impose a £ 1,000 tax per meter not grown in Lebanon to encourage agriculture, and all people are invited to join forces. between the public and private sectors, hoping that industrial funds are released to develop factories and details of the life in which we develop our capabilities.

On the subject of Indian hemp, he pointed out that it has become an effective law and we are waiting for the formation of the regulatory body for this sector that I called gold for the people of Bekaa, and the economic viability of this sector is easy and simple, and we are working today in coordination with scientists in Lebanon and we are doing tests to cross seedlings. Indian hemp is not imported from abroad, and costs $ 3 from abroad, and we are working to cost the plant 0.60 cents if it is produced in Lebanon. He emphasized that we encourage the manufacture of medicines in Lebanon, and we are working on hybridizing cannabis seedlings so that the drug is only 0.030.

Murtada emphasized that there are great hopes and plans in the government to achieve the goals in the next year, and we have 110 hectares that need reforms and we will work with the green project on that. He explained that, under the Corona crisis, we suffered a great setback, and the first and last interest today is for the Lebanese consumer, and we are working to ensure the best types of food with good prices and cheap quality. He explained that Lebanon, despite all its land, is importing vegetables from abroad, and asked industrialists to expand their factories to encourage farmers.

In turn, the Minister of Industry, Imad Hoballah, indicated his support for the Bekaa on behalf of the government and said: “You are the heart of Lebanon and we will no longer accept the marginalization of the Bekaa, and our decision was strict within the government that the state is fair to their children, and we will reconsider dealing with the people of the Bekaa and the Bekaa Ministry and industry assisting. ” The presence of institutions, and through a new vision to deal with the Bekaa and its people, because we believe that when the state sponsors this, it is easy, the care is comprehensive and for all of Lebanon.

The Bekaa added that the race was to lay the pillars of the industry and provide the country with every reason for prosperity. Therefore, the objective was to develop the industry by developing greater production and exports, entering into future plans and studies, increasing exports and securing new markets by obtaining a package of incentives, assistance and care of the industry through of bills. Abbas Mortada during this meeting.

And countries that emerged from their crises relied on agriculture and industry for growth, prosperity, and integration between agriculture and industry, which are two pillars of food and industrial security, and every dollar not given to the industrialists will cost us four dollars to import from abroad and make efforts to stabilize and secure the incubation environment and look for new industrial areas. When we applied for industrial investment in the field, it was intended to move away from the capital and encourage the industry in new areas in a way that benefits rural areas.

Our conclusion for industrialists is that the title of our battle continues to be the protection of industry, that we are its voice and that industry is once again the productive economic face of Lebanon.
