Officially … the first European country to announce the end of the Core epidemic Phalanges


The Slovenian government announced Thursday night that the Coruña virus epidemic has officially ended in the country.

The Slovenian government announced Thursday night that the Coruña virus epidemic has officially ended in the country, making it the first European country to do so, after authorities confirmed fewer than 7 new daily infections with the virus. for the past two weeks.

The government stated in a statement that arrivals in Slovenia from countries of the European Union are no longer required to enter quarantine for at least 7 days, as was the case since early April.

The country, with a population of two million and bordering Italy, Austria, Hungary and Croatia, has so far recorded 1,464 cases of the Corona virus and 103 deaths, and authorities have announced the spread of the epidemic virus on March 12.

The government has made it clear that foreigners showing symptoms of a Corona infection will not be allowed to enter.

The quarantine will remain for at least 14 days, for those who come from outside the European Union, with the exception of some exceptions that include diplomats and those who carry loads.

The government said citizens would still have to follow basic rules to prevent the possible spread of the infection.

Source: Sky News
