Odin Teatret in “The city”: a digital workshop


From October 28 to 30, the “Medina Theater” (Hamra-Beirut) will host a workshop entitled The Spirit of the Laboratory through Live Broadcast Technology from the Odin Teatret Theater in Holstebro in Denmark, funded by the Arab Fund for the Culture and the Arts (AFAC) and the Danish embassy in Lebanon. The event is an intensive introduction to the working and training techniques adopted by the well-known theater, through a series of training sessions, films, presentations and debates.

On the first day, participants will have an introductory date with the film The Art of the Impossible (Q: 17:15), before moving on to the tape The Chronic Life (Q: 20:30). On November 29, Traces in the Snow (Q: 14:00) will be shown, featuring Roberta Carrere in a streamed question and answer session. After that, the movie “The Dead Brother” (Q: 16:30) presented by Julia Farley, with questions and answers, will also be shown via streaming, before the time comes on The Two Sides of The River ( Q: 21:00). The last day will be dedicated to the movie Inside the Skeleton of the Whale (Q: 19:00).

The workshop of the laboratory spirit: From Wednesday 28 to the university, October 30 this year – “Medina Theater” (Hamra – Beirut). For inquiries: 01/753010. Participation is free (application link)

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