Odeh: Lebanon, leadership, distinction, creativity and a land of encounter and dialogue, has become a thing of the past


The Metropolitan of Beirut and his subordinates assured the Greek Orthodox Archbishop Elias Odeh that “justice and equity are the basis for the effectiveness of laws and the correctness of trials, and our eyes are all on the judicial body that has been become the last bulwark before its decline. So what is required of you, the judges of Lebanon, is to bear the sword of truth, apply justice, embrace equality for all, and pass judgment without hesitation, regardless of the criminal’s rank, gender, religion, or affiliation. Discrimination between citizens is disgusting, and the right holder may be deprived of his right or may turn a blind eye to those with ranks who are guilty, leading to the creation of chaos, rampant corruption and citizen despair. That is why we ask you to stay away from prejudice, injustice, racism and favoritism, especially politics, and not be afraid but of God, your Creator, and only listen to your conscience.

In Sunday’s sermon, he said: “Lebanon, leadership, distinction, creativity, a land of encounter and dialogue, has become a thing of the past. The constructive competition that Lebanon has known in all fields has turned into a competition of demands, conquests, struggles and settling scores, and the people are defeated and struggling to continue living.

Where is Lebanon, the thinkers, pioneers, innovators, writers, poets, philosophers, scientists, thinkers, law, economics and political giants? In the sixties we were pioneers in the fields of space, economics, science, thought, education, health, art, and other fields. We were at the forefront of the Arab countries and an example to follow. Where we are? May God have mercy on the elders who ruled Lebanon and the misery we have reached.

Our rulers today became wise to the people, but they ignored those who detonated the nation and killed the citizens. Our officials ask for freedom and sovereignty, and they only know how much the free mouths ask for sovereignty, freedom and justice.

True life does not acquire its true meaning until it transcends selfishness and interest in its endeavor to serve great causes, and justice is one of them. If the Lebanese are tired of politicians, their immaturity, negligence, selfishness and their adherence to their interests, then relying on the justice of the judiciary, the integrity of the judges, their courage and their willingness to sacrifice for the good, to achieve a just state, where equality, respect for rights, freedoms and accountability are achieved.

Justice is a moral virtue and a duty. It is one of the human values ​​and is essential for the state and the basis of governance. With justice the rights of the citizen are protected, sentences are passed and the guilty and criminals are punished. If politicians are unaware of the dangers Lebanon faces or ignore the miserable situation to escape responsibility, powerlessness, cowardice, or fear, then what is required is an uprising to eliminate the policy and prevent it from interfering with trials, and to study the archives with impartiality, objectivity and integrity, and to punish all who have harmed Lebanon and punished all who have done so. It violated the laws and did not apply the constitution and was a cause of paralysis and disorganization of the institutions, management review and rampant corruption, and of all those who intentionally, knowingly or negligently contributed to bombing the capital, killing its people, displacing it, impoverish the Lebanese, starve them, inflate their mouths and murder them all.

Justice and fairness are the basis for the effectiveness of laws and the correctness of trials, and all our eyes are on the judicial body, which has become the last bulwark before its decline. What is required of you, the judges of Lebanon, is to bear the sword of truth, apply justice, embrace equality for all and pass judgment without hesitation, regardless of the criminal’s rank, gender, religion or affiliation. Discrimination between citizens is disgusting, and the right holder may be deprived of his right or may turn a blind eye to those with ranks who are guilty, leading to the creation of chaos, rampant corruption and citizen despair. That is why we ask you to stay away from prejudice, injustice, racism and favoritism, especially politics, and not be afraid but of God, your Creator, and that you listen only to your conscience. Establish order, justice and truth, do justice to the innocent and oppressed, protect

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