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Former MP Walid Jumblatt criticized former Prime Minister Saad Hariri’s demand for a specialist government without politicians, asking: “Isn’t he a politician?”

The head of the Progressive Socialist Party, former deputy Walid Jumblatt, pointed out that it is noted that the constitutional norms have changed, and now there is a self-commission.
Jumblatt saw the specifications change and Hariri says he wants a government of specialists without politicians. He asked, “Isn’t he political?”
He said: “Macron has condemned the political class that led Lebanon to economic collapse,” noting that Hezbollah has reservations about the way Macron spoke when he said we want this government. “But I do not know what the background of the party is, and Macron made it clear that they are recommendations and not recommendations. Instructions.”
Jumblatt added: “The French came to a dilemma because it seems that Hariri was against giving the money to the Shiites, and I contacted Hariri and the contact was hostile, but I did not tell him to give the money to the Shiites forever and ever. “.

Jumblatt indicated that Hezbollah and the Amal movement would name personalities with a political affiliation, adding: “Hariri visited Aoun, and the latter could have told him:” You want to see the good of Gibran. “

Regarding the attempt to annul it, Jumblatt said: “I speak from a national point of view and I ask: Are the Ministries of Finance and the Interior prohibited to the Druze? We have received the Ministry of Health, so have we failed? ? “

Jumblatt asked, “Why do you want to cancel me?” He said: “Hariri is a politician and is connected to the political forces, and Hezbollah is the ruler of the country, Hariri is a participant in the government and Geagea as well.”

He recalled that Hariri handed over the Lebanese state in the last three years to the Shiite duo and the Free Patriotic Movement represented by Gebran Bassil, who is a participant in the government, like Geagea.

Jumblatt indicated that on May 7 he was cordoned off and bullets prevailed in the streets, and I don’t know how “we stayed”, but perhaps because of the Qatari initiative, stressing that he would not leave Hariri, but spoke of the bitterness of his performance.

He added: “In the Syrian era, we became a Druze party, and when the national movement went and killed Kamal Jumblatt, we had to resort like everyone else to our refuge.”

He continued: I reject the alliance of minorities, and that is why Nabih Berri and I meet because we are Arabs who face the Israelis and organize the dispute with Hezbollah, but I reject their Iranian theory.

Jumblatt declined to name Hariri, saying, “He appointed himself and there is no need for us to go to Baabda, and there may be a deal with Gibran and the duo, revealing:” I refused to receive the delegation from the Future Bloc because that’s not how Walid Jumblatt is treated. “

Jumblatt said: “I looked at May 7 and there are those who attracted me to it, and at that time Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah spoke harsh words to me, emphasizing that Hezbollah is still strong.”

He believed that gasoline subsidies should be lifted and, at the same time, public transportation should be strengthened while securing cards for subsidized gasoline, in the hope that Hezbollah would help the military and security forces stop smuggling, as Syria cannot receive support at the expense of the Lebanese people.

He noted that with the organization of a basic list of drugs and support for this regulation.

In response to a question, he stressed that he had brought his money from abroad to Lebanon and not the other way around, and said: “I am not a member of any bank.”
