Obama’s “promised land”: the story of a false prophet


Barack Hussein Obama (born in 1961 and who assumed the position of forty-fourth president of the United States between 2009 and 2016) published this week the first part of his memoirs under the title “Promised Land” (Crown Publishing Group, to be published in Arabic in spring 2021 about “Hachette Antoine Nofal”). Disguised from the burdens of power, his biography from childhood and the days of his youth in almost a quarter of a huge book (768 pages), then his rise to power as president in the first term until the night he assures having met with a United States Navy operations team (May 2011), he was preparing and waiting for the green light. From him, to leave for Abbottabad (Pakistan) with the purpose of liquidating Osama bin Laden, the leader of Al Qaeda.

The cover of the segment is headed by an image of the outgoing president cheering, radiating kindness, grace, and confidence, just as the Western media system depicted in the imagination of the public (both American and non-American). But the bright image is one thing and the content is quite another: to settle accounts that he did not dare to settle while residing in the White House. Claiming fictional heroism over truncated achievements imposed by the system, despising situations in the different stages of his life. A silly belief in American arrogance towards the world and a self-justification of responsibility for countless murders and targets, and a painful rumination of the very myths that the intelligence services and the Pentagon have been promoting for some time about the fear of terror, and many flat, formal impressions from those he met during his presidency.
Obama wraps you, or, of course, the ghostwriter who put the former president’s stories in written form, in 200 pages to retell his faded childhood biographies previously told in Dreams From My Father (1995) which he released. as part of his campaign for the Illinois Senate. Therefore, nothing new is mentioned here, perhaps except his expansion when talking about the four years he spent as a child in Indonesia, and he avoided turning it on at the time of his assumption of the presidency after the Republicans saturated him with insults. about his birthplace and his father’s Muslim heritage. But “Promised Land” is necessarily less intimate than his previous book, and its weight is a symptom from his point of view of the major problems Obama faced during his first term, including his handling of the global financial crisis and his bloody struggle with Congressional Republicans against their bill to extend health care (to twenty million Americans alone), the problems of illegal immigration, the massive oil spill off the coast of Louisiana, as well as the ongoing American war since 1979 in Afghanistan, while he appears to have deported most of the shameful issues, such as his role in the Drone War, America’s involvement in the dirty war in Syria, and close surveillance status. On individuals around the world and elsewhere, to a second part, which has yet to be determined when it will be released.
Although the book aims to polish up the Obama presidency and, to some extent, clarify its contradiction to the Republican period after him under President Donald Trump, the president seems in all his narratives hesitant, quick to abandon his plan to avoid the confrontation with others, and is ready to embrace the views of powerful personalities, especially Feminism – those around him at the expense of his point of view, and only a witness to the events taking place and not a partner in them. Rather than his memoirs being a source of inspiration for future generations, they seemed to be successive apologies for achieving any real achievements due to the rampant and unbridled forces of the American political system (including the Zionist lobby, which admits to being an integral part of the American system and it is impossible to overlook), and without any kind of A true vision of the state or society.

Rummaging Myths and Clichés About Muslim Terrorists “Who Hate Our Values”

Obama considers in his promised land that his greatest personal victory during his first term was his plan to save the American economy – and by extension the global economy – after the outbreak of the financial derivatives crisis in 2008, which when Obama reached the threshold of the White House threatened the collapse of the entire capitalist project. But all the president did at the time was put aside all his delusional ambitions to impose structural changes in the way the American state was run or even bring in a loyal team of new talent, and was subject to expert guidance. who believed in the need to save banks and speculative and investment houses from what they themselves and always at the expense of the public treasury and by creating piles of theoretical dollars that the rest of the world should put in value without paying attention to widespread poverty and unemployment as a result of the crisis. Nothing in this story appears to be Obama except helplessness and avoidance of confrontation. The president has literally implemented the plan of the elite who control the American system, no more, no less.
Obama’s chronic struggle with Republicans in Congress (and the American system in general) reveals a dynamic that is being restored time and again in “Promised Land”: an American president of color uncomfortable in his black skin and right-wing politicians. ideologically motivated who simply oppose dissent without most of them bothering to read the bills. The proposed laws, regardless of the negative consequences that may result from obstructing legislation on society. However, the racist component in the Republican position is neglected and deceives us all the time that the war against her in Capitol Hall is nothing more than her political positioning as a liberal progressive. He was struck by the extent to which this ideological absurdity had penetrated the circles of Washington’s elite, and complained that it needed the intervention of the military to alleviate the envy of officials in power who have no proposed solutions to guarantee the interests. imperialists abroad, except to wage wars and strike.
And since the main component of the book is based on ruminating on boring American myths and clichés about Muslim terrorists who hate our values ​​and our democracy, Putin, who looks like a gang leader who owns nuclear weapons, and the Saudi king who has 12 wives and leaves millions of dollars worth of gifts in his rooms, while Netanyahu is an impressive figure (Don And other stereotypes, what really remains for the reader are some ridiculous little details, gossip and accusations that you keep reading. For example, he says he spent his time in college chasing girls and winning their favors. Thus, he tells us that he read Karl Marx and Hubert Marcuse so he could talk to a long-legged left-wing girl who resides in the same dorm building, while Michel Foucault and Virginia Woolf read to approach a black bisexual! Of course these are mostly empty statements as it is not found in behavior, biogr There is no trace of Obama’s politics, books, and speeches of any of these writers, no ideology, methods, not even terminology, which is unthinkable. His trips abroad show the unexpected naivety of the head of the superpower. He wants to address the Islamic world from the University of Cairo, so he summons a Jewish employee to write the text of the speech for him, and describes King Abdullah as the most powerful man in the Arab world, as if he never knew that this kingdom Unjust is perched in the heart of the nation and of humanity thanks to American protection in particular. He is a faithful follower of the illusions of American exceptionalism. It affirms that the United States is not only feared, but also respected among the peoples of the world. He says that after his long visit to Saudi Arabia, he addressed a special personal request from the King (Abdullah) to present an initiative towards “Israel” that could help achieve “peace” in the Middle East. And when the high-security communications system in the White House stops while the president is on a trip to Brazil and needs to grant his approval (formal, of course) for a military intervention against Libya (it ended with the destruction of the rich country and its fragmentation between extremist militias in conflict, not to mention more than 120,000 dead), then he ends up using a normal telephone to give instructions to attack, as if he were to order a pizza.
In this section of his memoirs, Obama mentions President Trump as a climber who wants to engage with a White House resident for contracts and benefits. But you will definitely get more space in the second installment. Perhaps it was in Joseph Biden’s interest specifically that a “promised land” appeared after his election as president, as Republicans would have found in Obama’s account of Biden’s opposition to the assassination of Osama bin Laden, evidence of compromising tendencies that they did not fit the needs of the empire, and therefore some Americans questioned his competence as president (He does not take over the slaughter). But now it will be used by the Democratic camp to demonstrate the wisdom of the new president and his ability to curb impulsiveness and recklessness, at least compared to Trump.
“Promised Land” is a propaganda text with distinction and is busy with crafts to perpetuate the myths that circulate. The truth is that Obama spent his presidency signing assassination orders, serving American and Israeli imperial interests, whitewashing the capitalist elite’s crimes against poor Americans, covering up the biggest global spy programs, and eating in the desert with the House of Saud. This black-skinned man was the worst possible example of an American of color wearing a white mask – according to Fanon’s description – and wasted no time in committing the worst crimes to settle for the white masters, a false prophet, who was no more than another George W. Bush who followed the path of his predecessor in the practice of globalized assassination but with velvet gloves. The amount of American things will remain the same no matter how much they change, even from one extreme to the other.

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