O Tire :: Iran reveals ‘treason’ that enabled Fakhrizadeh’s assassination


Iranian Security and Intelligence Minister Mahmoud Alawi revealed that a member of the Iranian armed forces provided the capabilities to assassinate nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh.

Two hours after the murder of Fakhri Zadeh, they began shouting slogans against the Ministry of Security, unaware of the role the ministry was playing in this case. The day after the assassination, they realized that the Ministry of Security and Intelligence informed him, “Alawi said, in an interview with Iranian television on Monday night. Armed that the enemy is gathering information in that place where the operation was carried out. “

He continued: “We informed you only five days ago that there was a plan to assassinate scientist Fakhri Zadeh in the same place where he was killed, we just did not know the date of the operation.”

And Alauí added: “Some tweeted that the Ministry of Security was aware of the place and time of the murder, so why didn’t it act? We had information about the place of the murder and not the date of the execution, the martyr Fakhri Zadeh was a member of the armed forces, and the person who provided the capabilities for the murder is a member of the forces. In the Ministry of Security we cannot enter into the intelligence matters of the armed forces, so we asked the armed forces to send a representative to discuss the assassination plot, but unfortunately the operation was carried out before it was sent “.

Fakhrizadeh, director of the Research and Technology Center of the Iranian Ministry of Defense, considered one of the most prominent developers of the Iranian nuclear program, was killed on November 27, 2020 in a terrorist assassination.

The Iranian Defense Ministry claimed that “armed terrorist elements attacked a car carrying Fakhrizadeh,” who was seriously injured “during the confrontation between his security team and the attackers, and was taken to the hospital where he died despite the efforts of the doctors to save him.

The Iranian leadership accused Israel, which had previously repeatedly pledged to take all possible measures to prevent Iran from “obtaining a nuclear weapon”, of being behind this operation, emphasizing the need for those baffled by the assassination of Fakhri Zadeh.

Source: RT
