Nurse’s Fainting Accident Feeds Conspiracy Theories About L | Phalanges


The deceptive campaigns against vaccines that fight the outbreak of the new Corona virus continue, before the beginning of the national vaccination campaign of several countries as part of the efforts to eradicate the epidemic.

Deceptive campaigns against vaccines that fight the outbreak of the new Corona virus continue, before the start of the national vaccination campaign in several countries as part of the efforts to eradicate the epidemic.

The incident of nurse Tiffany Dover, who lost consciousness after receiving a coronavirus vaccine at “CHI” Hospital in Tennessee, USA, fueled persistent rumors against vaccines as she claimed it was widely circulating information about “the death of the nurse and pressuring her family not to admit the death.” “.

American media denied the death of Nurse Dover after rumors that filled social networks about it, at a time when the American Hospital confirmed that Dover is in good condition, and said in a tweet on Twitter that the nurse was asking privacy for herself and her family, following the misleading information she found.

Social media users shared a video of the nurse attached to the phrase “a patient dies live after receiving the Pfizer vaccine! Yes, it is 95% safe, but 100% is an inevitable death # from the vaccine” .

Moments before Nurse Dover cheated on her wearily, she told reporters, “Sorry, I really feel dizzy, sorry.”

Minutes after the incident, doctors confirmed that the vaccine components had nothing to do with the Dover crime. Dover later said that she suffers from a medical condition that exposes her to fainting when in pain.

In the latest disinformation, others consider the new vaccines nothing more than a plan for world domination of world powers, much like the “Pinky and Brian” plan in the famous cartoon series.

These new rumors that help spread fear among people about not getting antiviral vaccines come at a time when experts are working to correct misleading information about these vaccines.

Amal Al-Hazani, professor of molecular genetics at King Saud University’s Faculty of Science, says information on vaccines should only be obtained from research physicians specializing in virology.

The Saudi doctor said in a televised statement that the National Guard’s King Abdullah Medical Research Center has cooperation with experts from the University of Oxford regarding the earlier Corona virus that spread in the Kingdom in 2012.

Al-Hazani confirmed that concerns about vaccines will end the existence of a global vaccination campaign to fight the epidemic, adding: “The vaccine is 95 percent safe and effective, and the remaining five percent is not dangerous. for humans”.

Commenting on the incident of the American nurse Dover, Al-Hazani said: “The nurse did not die, and if the filming continued for two minutes, it would appear that she had recovered from the coma, the causes of which the doctors explained.”

Al-Hazzani noted that science has developed in various fields, including issues of genetics and genetics, and emphasized the importance of educating people to return to normal life.

Several countries, including the United States, Great Britain, Saudi Arabia, and Israel, launched major vaccination campaigns with the Pfizer / Bionic vaccine, which was approved for emergency use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, in addition to its approval by the United Kingdom.

And the American Pfizer and its German partner, Biontec, announced the effectiveness of their coronavirus vaccine by up to 95 percent after the completion of the third clinical trials.

According to epidemiologists, it is necessary to vaccinate more than 70 percent of the people in a country, to stop the spread of the epidemic in it.
