No annoying nasal swabs … a simple audio test for corona infection!


Many of us continue to feel inconvenience when we only think about postponing the corona virus test, because it causes tingling and discomfort, but today, with the use of artificial intelligence in the fields of medicine and health, both the medical group of the Clinic May as the artificial intelligence company Vocalis in Israel succeeded in developing technology to detect corona infection through sound.

The two companies say that humans have vital acoustic indicators that help doctors detect Corona injuries, and that they can be used in technology that ensures a safe environment for workers, according to the British newspaper “Daily Mail.”

“The body sends us many signals that we are not paying attention to,” said Prince Lerman, director of cardiac research at the Mayo Clinic. When we talk about sound, we don’t mean what you and I can hear, but sound has many frequency spectra.

The companies have worked to develop an artificial intelligence program that can recognize the vocal vital signs that accompany cases of pulmonary arterial hypertension, in which the blood pressure rises to affect the arteries in the lungs and the right side of the heart.

It is difficult to diagnose this condition early, because it is often missed in traditional tests and its symptoms can be mistaken for other heart symptoms.

The same goes for Corona, where signs of infection overlap with symptoms of infection with less dangerous viruses, such as influenza.

“Our data indicates that we have patients with symptoms and others without,” said Tal Windro, CEO of Vocalis.

To take the exam, the user goes to the “Vocalis” website, then clicks on the phrase “Take the Corona Audio Test Now” and then the user fills in some personal details.

The user then lists certain sentences in a clear voice, including counting from fifty to seventy and describing images clearly.

After completing all the stages, the user will see the result and the possibility of their Corona infection, be it low, medium or high.
