No action for objectors except objection


The director of the Beirut Union of Doctors, Professor Sharaf Abu Sharaf, denounced “the letters that some communication groups of doctors have received accusing members of the Union of Doctors of Beirut of conspiring to approve a“ deal ”on the subject of communications from doctors, with the aim of achieving the private interests of some colleagues or some neighborhoods, and attacking a national benchmark. He was credited with passing many laws protecting the union and its funds, and in particular he earned the reputation of one of the councilors.

It said in a statement today: “With respect to the fabrications and misleading information contained in these letters, we reserve the right to lodge a complaint with the competent judicial references.
As for the issue of paid call service, it came up at the request of many colleagues during the time of the Corona uprising and epidemic. Field inspection has become difficult due to the difficulty of movement, general mobilization, home quarantine, and preventive measures such as social distancing, masks, and sterilization. “The economic situation has affected all citizens, including doctors, and all are looking for a new resource to maintain a minimum standard of decent and dignified life.”

He added: “This service does not violate medical ethics law and does not conflict with permission to practice the profession, and has been in effect in the West for many years.”
And those who do not want to participate can request a white list for their patients and be excluded from it and not incur anything for their patients, knowing that this service saves the patient the hassle of moving and time, and maintains their health in a healthy way. remote, and its cost is very low compared to the price of a medical exam, and it also secures A resource for the doctor and the retirement fund in the Doctors Union without adding any financial burden to the union or the doctor. The decision here is not one of the tasks of the General Assembly, but it is the Council who decides about it.
As of October 8, 2019, this project was repeatedly presented in mini-committees that studied and discussed it with the legal department and members of the Union Council, which approved it by majority on 10/2/2020.
It was done in cooperation with the company “AR Booster”, which has the exclusive right to provide this service, from Alfa and Touch. It is divided into two parts: an internal one at a price of 7,500 LL per month. Their income is distributed 50% (90% goes to the doctor and 10% to the union’s pension fund), 25% to the state and 25% to the company.
An external channel for communications from outside Lebanon through an application with a price schedule determined by the Bar Association. Their income is distributed 70% to the Union (dollars per minute, the doctor’s participation is 90%) and 30% to the company.
The doctor’s professional number is called and your share is estimated based on the percentage of calls you receive. And the distribution is fair according to the percentage of use. “

He continued: “The call service is in no way a substitute for the medical examination, and does not oblige the doctor to receive communications except in his capacity and within what his time allows. The doctor has the right to bring the patient to the clinic for inspection when deemed necessary.
The project does not require the doctor to answer his phone, but when he answers, he will receive income.
The relevant union committees and the legal department oversee the implementation.
The project will run for a trial period at the proposed cost for a period of at least one year due to company costs, after which the project will be reevaluated.
Finally, objectors and skeptics may be right, and we understand it. There are also doctors who demand what we work for, and we must also respect them.
I would like to remind everyone that, unfortunately, this environment also prevailed against the financing projects that I presented in my previous state (Law of Financing of Pension Funds and Prescription Funds) that enriched the Union with one hundred million dollars, and without it , bankruptcy would have been our ally. Likewise, the opponents that day prevented renting the doctor’s house (about two million dollars a year) to return today and demand that, not to mention the mechanization and financial accounting projects that, had they been completed at that time, would have secured the union. a great savings. “

Abu Sharaf concluded by saying: “There is no work for those who object except to protest. They have inhabited the Union for decades and we have seen nothing of their achievements.
Only by working together with honesty and transparency will we achieve our goal, so that we can advance on the path of knowledge and a dignified life. “
