“Next month will be very difficult.”


Government Hospital Director Rafic Hariri tweeted, saying: “An important question is pressing on my mind right now? In light of the recent increase in the number of corona and the expected increase in the number of intensive care patients, how can we increase the motivation of healthcare workers? They put up with a lot, but next month will be very difficult ”.

He continued: “The financial incentives are encouraging, especially in light of the current economic crisis. At Rafic Hariri University Hospital, those who work with coronavirus patients receive additional compensation. However, for people risking their health and losing colleagues to the coronavirus, money is not everything.

He said: “Recently, France gave immigrants to health workers a quick way to obtain citizenship. Non-material incentives can have a big impact. Soldiers sacrifice their lives for the duty to protect their community, not for money ”.

“When cases multiply and workers work excessively, it can lead to frustration,” he said. For many healthcare workers, if the authorities or the public do not take this pandemic seriously and act carelessly, an important question arises: Why do we sacrifice ourselves?

He concluded: “The next few weeks will be very difficult for the medical and nursing staff at Rafic Hariri University Hospital and all hospitals. They will be physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted. They have shown, during this pandemic, that they are the heroes of our time. Without a doubt, their community owes them more ”.

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