Newspaper secrets of Wednesday, January 13, 2021


Construction: subtleties and scenes

The subtleties

Health sources pointed out that the number of injured by crowds in commercial gatherings in anticipation of the closure may be equivalent to the reduction in injuries expected from the closure, and said that the good news is the increase in the number of intensive care beds because it is the only reliable thing of its importance.


UN sources said that the American designation of Ansar Allah on the American terrorist regulations in the last days of President Donald Trump is a measure directed directly against the efforts of the United Nations that advance towards a political solution and the attempt to modify the balances to favoring the Saudi position will lead to further complications.

Major General: Secrets

A political pole did not want to cut the link with Baabda, which means that the government’s election has not fallen, while waiting for a “force” to reconnect the cut.

The “drug mafia” hides most drugs for communicable or contagious diseases, due to known financial and contraband considerations.

A powerful political party called on its supporters to refrain, under pain of stress, from taking and responding with a loyal move, for reasons appreciated by those concerned.

Calling home: the subtleties

A follow-up source said that promises by some politicians to donate their salaries to the Rafik Hariri Hospital and other health institutions at the start of the Corona pandemic were just media presentations that only went into effect on social media.

EDL’s service providers were found to be exploiting the Banque du Liban’s available dollar facilities to strike agreements that fall outside the framework of their contractual relationship with EDL.

A deputy from the north who was infected with the Coronavirus suffers from a difficult health condition due to complications from the virus.

The Republic: Secrets

Meeting decision

A high-level reference has not made the decision to meet with diplomats or not, and this matter is related only to the Corona virus.

A bet on a visit

The political authorities are betting on the visit of a noncommissioned officer from a large party to an official reference, in a clear indication of the launch of an expected mediation of this party.

Sudden change

Political circles were amazed at the sudden change in attitude towards a sensible right by one of the currents, one day it refused and another day it agreed.

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