Newspaper secrets of Thursday, October 22, 2020


News: science and news

The extension train begins in the military!

After he was referred to retirement because he had reached the age of majority, the Army Command hired Brigadier General Wassim al-Halabi, “the head of the army commander’s office,” as a civilian advisor. This “extension” measure came in the context of promoting the extension of Brigadier General Tony Mansour, intelligence director, after his retirement in the last month of this year. The commander of the Armed Forces, General Joseph Aoun, prefers to extend Mansour “summoning him from the reserves”, since he is part of his close work team and their relationship has not failed in the last three years. And this approach is supported by the Americans, both the United States Army and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), because of Mansour’s distinguished relationship with them. The extension for Mansour requires the signature of the Minister of Defense, as well as the political approval of the President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun. Until a month ago, the President of the Republic insisted on not extending Mansour, but the army commander and the intelligence director continued to bet on the ability to convince him to extend the extension. Mansour was included in the list of officers who will soon retire.

Kaftoun Cell … More Dangerous Than “Nahr Al-Bared”!

The Information Branch of the Internal Security Forces continues to arrest individuals suspected of belonging to the “ISIS” cell, which has come to be known as “Kaftoun Cell”, with which the branch’s strike force fought with it in Wadi Khaled (Akkar) on the night of September 26-27, in addition to One of his suicide bombers attacked the army headquarters in Arman (Minya) that same night and killed him after the martyrdom of two soldiers. A senior security official confirmed that the cell’s emir, who died in the Battle of Wadi Khaled, with eight of his loyalists, was preparing to attract hundreds of fighters, not just a few people, to conduct security operations. . The security official confirmed that what the investigations showed, especially those carried out by the Information Branch, revealed an important military plan for the “ISIS” organization, not just a security plan. He noted that the security services were not aware of what was being planned, and that what led to the discovery of this plot was the crime of the town of Kaftoun (Al-Koura) on August 21, when several villagers confronted members of the cell, which caused the fall of three martyrs. The security official confirmed that what was being planned was greater than what the northern region witnessed in 2007, and that led to the outbreak of the Nahr al-Bared battle between the army and the group “Fatah al-Islam”!

Major General: Secrets

A great reference advised the adoption of constitutional means to tackle a long and complex controversial file.

The “polemical circle” has not ended within an ideological party, despite the elections and there is talk of a resolution that is not in their regional interest.

Qutb in Parliament faces real shame for the position he must take, in light of his inclinations and interests.

Calling home: the subtleties

Those interested in the telecommunications sector are awaiting the result of the MTC general assembly, which is held tomorrow Friday to transfer employees to MIC 2 and pay the obligations (in violation of the 2020 budget law), and they wonder about the nature of the agreement that was reached with Zain to hand over management to the communications ministry.

Several CEOs complain that the guardian minister, who has a basic ministry, depends on an unfair distribution of income to institutions, as support goes to institutions that are under the control of his political team.

The Republic: Secrets

Could not find an empty bed!

The capacity of hospitals to receive Corona patients has reached its limit and it has become impossible to find a single empty bed in Lebanon.

The need to take precautions and precautions

The ambassador of an Arab country canceled his meetings with the need to take the utmost precautions and caution for more than one reason related to the course of the next phase.

The intention of a senior referent to resign?

Qutb in Parliament was asked about the validity of the information about the intention of a great authority to present his resignation, and he said: I can believe that if the sun rises in the west.

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