Newspaper secrets of Monday, January 11, 2021


Construction: subtleties and scenes

The subtleties

Political sources said that the speech of the leader of the Free Patriotic Movement reflects the size of the complexity facing the new government, and links the internal détente with the results of the agreements and expected advances with the administration of the new US president, opening the door to regional change and amending the French initiative with greater momentum.


Iraqi sources described the sanctions against the head of the People’s Mobilization Authority as trying to complicate the way for President Joe Biden in organizing US-Iraq relations, especially as Faleh al-Fayyad is one of the most prominent names nominated. to head the next government in Iraq.

Major General: Secrets

A senior official was reported to be infected with the Corona pandemic, but his symptoms were mild, and the medical team was able to quickly control the situation and prevent the epidemic from penetrating!

A political pole considered that the deliberate escalation in the press conference of the leader of the Free Patriotic Movement against the designated president is aimed at overthrowing the advances made by the efforts of Patriarch Al-Rai to bring the positions between Baabda and Beit Al-Wasat closer together! !

A former security official wondered about the justifications for not strictly enforcing the preventive measures necessary to limit the outbreak of the Corona virus, at least in recent weeks!

Calling home: the subtleties

The deputy director general of a security apparatus held a wedding for his daughter, in the presence of a large number of security figures and hundreds of guests, in a hotel in Beirut, which caused an outbreak of contagion among the guests, among senior officials and social figures, which was reflected in the agency’s work.

Organizational vacuum prevails in the face of the “Crown” outbreak disaster. The Ministry of Health did not initiate the implementation of article 11 of the Infectious Diseases Law related to emerging diseases and epidemics, which obliged the Minister of Health to issue a decision to make the necessary amendment to the list of communicable diseases that require isolation of the infected. Unless it happens, this means that Corona is not legally an infectious disease in Lebanon.

The phenomenon of the sale of smoke and smuggled tobacco products has been openly observed in shops and warehouses, and by the owners of sales agencies, especially in the vicinity of the port of Beirut and the suburbs, under the watchful eye of the security services, pointing out that the main warehouse belongs to a non-Lebanese person.

The Republic: Secrets

Possible coup in the region

The security authorities fear a possible strike in the region, which is not necessarily carried out directly by the Americans.

Violent media attack

Political circles noted that the failure of the delegate of an important reference to a prominent authority to convince him of his point of view sparked a violent media attack on the reference the next day.

Better to stay out of government.

One party figure felt that the current crisis was beyond the capabilities of any name who could be a minister, and that it was better to stay out of government so as not to be responsible for the total collapse.

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