News: The “Ramdisfer” dose is $ 500, and the Health Organization advises against its use


Ali Awwad wrote in the Al-Akhbar Today newspaper a report entitled: “The dose of” Ramdisfer “is worth $ 500, and the Health Organization warns against its use, in which it says:
“For around $ 500, a dose of the drug” Ramdisfer “is sold in Lebanon. The drug that was said to accelerate the recovery period of people with” Covid-19 “, and for which the American epidemiologist and advisor of the White House on the Corona epidemic, Anthony Fauci, is one of the most enthusiastic about it, it is available in a specific number of Pharmacies are like a “black market”.
Officially, the Ministry of Health has not yet adopted or recommended the drug. However, at the same time, he did not warn against its use. Months ago a donation from “Ramdesfer” arrived from Egypt, containing about 1,500 doses, according to the head of the Health Authority, the right and dignity of the former MP, Ismail Sukkariyah. “However, the lack of transparency prevented us from knowing how to dispose of and distribute”, while the information from “Al-Akhbar” indicates that “American medicine was sold in various pharmacies.” Medical sources confirmed that there is a kind of “black market” for drugs, in which a series of drugs are sold, including “Ramdisfer”, which “reached 500 dollars and sometimes exceeded 2000 dollars, coinciding with the US propaganda of the drug in some periods “.
Health Ministry sources said the Ministry, like many health authorities around the world, showed caution in adopting the drug as a treatment protocol. She noted, “We don’t avoid their use in exchange and we try to bring in some samples.” That is, the Ministry did not officially adopt the drug, but “sponsored” its use in the “experiments” that imposed the route of discovery of the virus.
However, what the World Health Organization announced yesterday about this drug would raise the level of caution when dealing with it. The organization announced, based on an analysis of four international clinical trials involving more than 7,000 patients, that it does not recommend the use of the drug “Remdesivir” for people with “Covid-19”, regardless of the severity of their disease, “Since there is currently no evidence that it increases the chances of survival or avoiding connecting the patient to a ventilator.” In addition, WHO experts noted the potential for “major side effects” of this drug in patients. This announcement contradicts the “enthusiasm” shown by Fauci last May when he stated that “Remdesivir has shown a clear effect in helping Covid-19 patients and in speeding up their recovery period.” Please note that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had allowed the drug to be used in emergencies.

The Health Organization’s recommendations were issued after consultation with its committee of experts, whose findings were published in the BMG Medical Journal. These experts note the “potential for major side effects” of this drug, as well as its “relatively high cost.”
And “Ramdesfer” is an experimental antiviral drug developed by the American “Gilead Sciences” initially as a treatment against the Ebola virus in 2015, then it was introduced in the Democratic Republic of Congo, but it failed as an effective treatment. Following the spread of the Corona epidemic, Gilead tried to introduce the drug as a treatment against the virus, and based on a large study conducted last April in the United States through the American Institutes of Health (NIH), which included 1,036 patients at 47 sites in the United States and 21 in Europe and Asia. Patients treated with “Ramdesfer” recovered in 11 days, instead of 15 days. However, the death rate was almost the same compared to placebo. Fauci’s cautious optimism about the drug at the time was reflected in the US media, which praised the drug. Likewise, financial markets opened slightly higher in indices, including Gilead shares, after which the company obtained an emergency use of the drug from the FDA. This antiviral was one of the treatments that the President of the United States, Donald Trump, underwent after being infected with the virus last October. What is striking here is that, in parallel with the American study at the time, the British medical journal “The Lancet” published results that contradict those of “Gilead.” The abstract of the study, which was carried out in 237 patients in Wuhan, China, stated that “Ramdisfer treatment does not speed recovery or reduce mortality.”
It should be noted that the Health Organization, in addition to “Ramdisfer”, evaluated each of the following drugs: hydroxychloroquine, lopinavir / ritonavir and interferon. It was found to have little or no effect on total deaths, onset of ventilation, and the length of time patients stayed in hospital. She notes that, so far, only corticosteroids have been shown to be effective in treating critical cases of “Covid-19,” according to what the organization posted on its website. “
