News: Aoun Interior Ministry and Hariri Foreign Ministry: Health for Jumblatt .. The government soon?


The daily Al-Akhbar noted that “all the political indicators indicate that the formation of the government is very close. Although some obstacles may take time to overcome. Most of the forces that will participate in the government decided to facilitate the composition, with the aim of issuing decrees before the date of the US presidential elections next Tuesday “. .
The newspaper added: “A few days before the US elections, all eyes are turned today to the second round of indirect negotiations with the Israeli enemy in Naqoura on maritime demarcation. The importance of this round lies in being the serious beginning of the negotiation, since the Lebanese team will confirm the decision of the State to negotiate from a holder “. Naqoura by land and spread by sea according to the mid-line technique, without taking into account any impact on the coastal islands of occupied Palestine, which means in practice that the area to be claimed by Lebanon exceeds the 863 square kilometers that will be They transformed, thanks to the mistakes of the first government of Prime Minister Fouad Siniora (2005-2008). To a “disputed area” amid speculation that the Israeli delegation will reject the matter and intend to force the session or hinder negotiations. And while waiting for what emerges from this session, the gaze remains internally on the consultations of the next government, whose composition file is drawn up very discreetly, while creating a positive atmosphere about it, It is not known if they are based on facts or mere hopes. “
Al-Akhbar added: “At first glance, most political forces confirm their desire to create quickly to implement reforms that release what they call” international financial support. “However, unspoken demands certainly need time to stand up. Until last night, make sure that the size of the government will not represent a complication in the course of the composition, as there is consensus on the composition of the 1920s, after Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri preferred it between 14 ministers. With the exception of the Ministry of Finance, which was decided that it belonged to the Shiite community, the information was exchanged after an agreement also on the principle of rotation. On the other hand, there are no answers on the distribution of portfolios or names by the party, but the discussion is still in the orbit of sectarian and sectarian distribution. That Hariri carried with him some initial alignment l, stating that “he can do it next time, as he will visit next Thursday.” The sources said that “the two presidents discussed a roadmap for the distribution of suitcases, but not between the parties, as is the government program, and the size of the situation.” Wig ». While the media office in Baabda Palace confirmed that “the meeting presented the government’s situation in an atmosphere of understanding about the progress made so far,” follow-up sources said that “Aoun is interested in broader representation in the government and listen to all opinions. ” In this context, the President of the Republic received the head of the Lebanese Democratic Party, Deputy Talal Arslan, accompanied by the Minister of Social Affairs Ramzi Musharrafieh and the former Minister Saleh al-Gharib, and the President of the Arab Party Tawhid also received the former minister Wiam Wahhab.
He added that “some leaks have begun to come to light, which speak that the only node in the authorship file today is related to the Christian quota, and how it is distributed among the presidents of the republic, the government and the Christian parties, especially since Hezbollah “has no problem resigning from the Ministry of Health if the principle of rotation is adopted. However, sources familiar with the line of deliberations confirmed that “the distribution of some bags has become a foregone conclusion, for example, the Ministry of the Interior will be on the side of the President of the Republic, while the Ministry of Foreign Affairs It will be on the part of the Sunni community, and the discussion in this regard is limited to a series of names to assume, among them: President The Lebanese mission to New York, Ambassador Amal Mudallali, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hani Al-Shumaitili, and the Lebanese ambassador to Germany, Mustafa Adeeb, but the latter refused to do so ”. It was also decided that “the Ministry of Health passes to former Representative Walid Jumblatt, and it may be the Ministry of Social Affairs. With him too (or an arrangement between him and Arslan and Wahab), which are the two ministries that Hariri had previously promised to the head of the Socialist Party before the consultations.
For its part, the “Strong Lebanon” bloc, after its meeting headed by Deputy Gebran Bassil, affirmed “the priority of forming a government quickly”, and that “it remains fully committed to facilitating its birth and adhering to the unity of standards and its equity towards all blocks and components “. The bloc indicated that “it positively awaits the results of the ongoing consultations between the President of the Republic and the designated Prime Minister, to determine how to address the issue of authorship, betting on the success of these consultations in compliance with the standards of the Charter and the Constitution and the inauguration of ministers who are capable of rapidly implementing the reform program, through their competence, integrity, effectiveness, experience and knowledge. State affairs and its sectors ».
