‘News’ … Aoun and Hariri: The government ‘is not close’


The daily Al-Akhbar indicated that the President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, began yesterday the session of the Supreme Defense Council, confirming that “the current situation in the country is an exceptional situation that requires exceptional monitoring and decisions to address this delicate situation in the country “. He said: “It is true that the government has resigned and is in the stage of doing business, but current circumstances sometimes dictate a slight expansion in the conduct of business to meet the country’s needs until the next government is formed.” However, concerned sources in Al-Akhbar placed these decisions within the framework of the president’s response to Prime Minister Saad Hariri’s accession to the mandate without taking the initiative to overcome the obstacles surrounding authorship. Sources indicated that most decisions that deviate from the security framework will not be implemented, especially as Acting Prime Minister Hassan Diab himself refuses to elaborate on the interpretation of the conduct of business, however late it may be. the formation of the government.

In this context, the Commander of the Armed Forces, General Joseph Aoun, quoted Prime Minister Saad Hariri as saying: “They have arranged their affairs on the basis that the government is not close.” This is what President Aoun told Diab through direct and indirect contacts, asking him to return to a bigger role and sign decisions, which Diab refused to make.
