New “Nigeria” virus differs from “British” virus


Last Updated: 25 – Dec – 2020 8:58 am

Nigerian authorities have confirmed the discovery of a new strain of the Corona virus, which is a special form of mutation, noting that it differs from the one recently found in Britain.

The director of the African Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, John Nkengasung, said: “We are talking about a special mutated virus, which is not similar to the variant that was recently discovered in the UK, however the strain discovered in Nigeria may have some similarities to the Corona 501 V2 virus variant that Designated December 18, South Africa ”.

The health official considered it too early to talk about the characteristics of the new strain of the Corona virus, adding that “more research is needed.”

Notably, the new mutated virus was discovered in samples taken on August 3 and October 9 in the Nigerian state of Osun.

Preliminary data shows that the new viral strain is not aggressive, like that discovered in South Africa, and the mutated corona virus “501 V2” discovered in South Africa has triggered a strong second wave of the epidemic.

It should be noted that Nigeria was the first country in Africa to discover cases of Corona virus infection in it, and that was on February 27, 2020, and so far it has registered 80,922 injured, while 1,236 people have died, according to “TASS “.
