New guidelines for the World Health Organization. This is what I emphasized – Al-Manar Channel Website – Lebanon


The World Health Organization highlighted in its new guidelines on physical activity, published by the “French Press Agency”, that the Covid-19 pandemic should not be an excuse to stop this activity, but should continue regardless of age or the state of the person.
“If we don’t stay active, we run the risk of causing an epidemic, which is poor health due to lack of movement,” said Rudiger Kreich, WHO’s health promotion officer.
The pandemic and accompanying lockdown measures have restricted movement, encouraging less movement and a lot of time sitting to watch movies and TV shows.
There are no reliable statistics available, but lockdown measures and movement restrictions and exercise rooms have pushed many people to stay home, regardless of their healthy habits and regular physical activity.
Even before the pandemic, most people were not moving enough, and this is what the World Health Organization confirms in its guidelines that encourage everyone to move more.
Regular physical activity is essential for physical and mental health and for the prevention of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. It also helps reduce depression, anxiety, and cognitive decline, improves memory, and stimulates overall brain health.
“Every move counts,” the organization’s CEO Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in a statement. He stressed that “physical activity is essential for health and well-being, and can help add years to life and add life to years.”
Mobility is possible, or even necessary, for all people, young and old and pregnant women, regardless of their physical condition.
The guidelines indicated that four to five million deaths could be prevented each year if the world’s population were more physically active.
The World Health Organization believes that adults should participate in “at least 150 to 300 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity per week, or at least 75 to 150 minutes of continuous physical activity, or an equal combination of moderate physical activity and continues, to obtain great benefits. ” .
The organization asked to guarantee the exercise of muscular exercises twice a week.
As for children and adolescents, the agency recommended “an average of 60 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity per day throughout the week.”
And he marked the organization in red in the summary of recommendations: “Reduce downtime in the lifestyle you spend, especially the free time in front of the screen.”

Source: Agencies
