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The lead investigator for the World Health Organization mission who recently visited China, Peter Ben Embarek, said the team found indications of a wider spread of the new Corona virus in Wuhan in December 2019, including the presence of more than 12 strains of the virus. in the city that is already in it.

The chief investigator of the World Health Organization mission who recently visited China, Peter Ben Embarek, said in an interview that the team found indications of a wider spread of the emerging corona virus in Wuhan in December 2019, including the presence of more than 12 strains. of the virus in the city. Already at that time.

“The virus was spreading widely in Wuhan in December, which is a new discovery,” the expert told CNN at the United Nations organization that investigates the origin of the virus.

Last week, the mission of experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) concluded its mission to China without reaching concrete results on the origin of the Corona virus, which has killed more than 2.3 million people in the world. .

Washington expressed “deep concern” about the first results of the OIC investigation and asked Beijing to provide more information.

“We are deeply concerned about how the initial findings of the investigation were reached and questions about the process that was used to arrive at it,” said US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan.

The London newspaper “The Times” revealed that the WHO team of scientists did not find enough cooperation from their Chinese counterparts.
The newspaper said Chinese scientists refused the WHO team’s access to the water and blood samples they requested, after discovering possible coronavirus infections before the first reported cases in Wuhan.

The virus is widely believed to circulate before the known infections recorded in Wuhan, but evidence of early spread will put Beijing to shame, according to the Times.

In its latest report, CNN said that the slow release of detailed information about the latest flight by the UN health team raises concerns that the virus may have spread in China long before the official announcement of its emergence in December 2019.

The team was able, for the first time, to collect 13 different genetic strains, dating back to December 2019, according to the international expert, who suggested that examining them with data from patients in China can provide information on the places and times of the disease. spread.

“Some of these strains are from the markets … some are not related to them,” he added, including the Wuhan Seafood Market, which is believed to have played a role in spreading the virus for the first time.

Although the scientist did not clarify in the interview the meaning of the presence of 13 different strains, “CNN” said that the discovery of different mutations of the virus may indicate that it has been spreading for a longer period.

The international organization’s team hopes to return to Wuhan in the coming months to continue investigations, including examining samples that experts say were not available to them on this first trip, specifically thousands of samples from the donation bank. blood in Wuhan.

The head of the research team said: “There are around 200,000 samples available there and they are insured, and can be used for a new series of studies.”
