New Corona strain out of control!


British Health Minister Matt Hancock confirmed in a statement Sunday that the new strain of the emerging corona virus has gotten out of control..

In an interview with “Sky News”, Hancock said: “It will be difficult to control the new strain of Corona before the vaccines are distributed on a large scale.“.

The British official added: “We want to end the outbreak of the new strain of the virus through social distancing measures.”“.

He went on to say: “Our plan is to finish vaccinating a million people in a few days,” signaling the decision to re-quarantine London and south-east England..

The “Telegraph” newspaper had indicated that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson had convened senior ministers on Friday night to discuss ways to contain a new strain of the Corona virus, described as the easiest ability to spread..

The newspaper also mentioned that government officials await approval of a vaccine to prevent Covid-19 developed by AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford on December 28 or 29, which may help speed up the vaccination campaign.

Yesterday, Saturday, the British Prime Minister announced the reimposition of the closure in London and the south-east of England, starting Sunday, which means that families cannot reunite during Christmas..

Johnson said in a televised speech that the government “would re-impose home quarantine starting Sunday in London and the South East.“.

He claimed that scientists have discovered a new strain of the emerging corona virus that spreads “much more easily”, adding that the new version “may be up to 70 percent more transmissible than the old alternative, the original version of the disease.” .“.

He explained that, given the evidence we have on the new breed: “I am sorry to say that we will not ease restrictions on Christmas, while families will not be able to go out in London’s Fourth District, while we will restrict movement and gatherings.”
