New Chinese Export Law to Protect National Security


The legislation gives greater leeway to counter Trump’s hostile China’s policies (Getty)

China has issued a new law that restricts sensitive exports in order to protect national security, a step that adds to the political tools it can use against the United States with the high level of tension between them, especially in the field of technology.

The law, passed by China’s top legislature on Saturday, will take effect on December 1 and allow Beijing to “take similar action” against countries that abuse export controls and pose a threat to national security.

Technical data related to the materials covered by the decision will also be subject to export controls, according to the published text of the law.

Beijing’s recent action gives it more room to respond in US President Donald Trump’s war against Chinese tech companies, as the White House moves against popular platforms and major companies such as TikTok, WeChat and the giant. Huawei technology.

The new law “designed to protect national interests and security” is added to China’s set of regulatory tools, which also includes a regulation to restrict technology exports and a list of untrusted entities.

The law states that “In the event that any country or region violates export control measures to threaten national security and the interests of the People’s Republic of China, (China) may take similar measures.

It is also noted that the Chinese authorities will develop and modify an export control list containing materials to be published “in due course”. The law gives Chinese authorities the right to hold foreign individuals and groups accountable for violating export control rules.

Economic ties between Beijing and Washington have been affected by Trump’s unprecedented campaign of tariffs and threats of embargoes and sanctions on Chinese tech companies.

As the Republican president faces a tough re-election campaign ahead of elections scheduled for next month, US officials have described the measures against China as guarantees of national security, prompting a violent response from Beijing.

In September, China released its “Untrusted Entity List”, which is widely viewed as a weapon to retaliate against the United States that has used its “Entity List” to distance Huawei from the US market.

(Brush from France)
