New car sales in Britain fell in April to the lowest level since 1946


New car sales in Britain fell 97 percent in April, registering the lowest monthly level since February 1946, as factories and dealerships closed their doors due to the outbreak of the Corona virus.

The collapse in car sales is putting more pressure on Britain’s economy, which is heading to record an unprecedented quarterly contraction of seven percent, a survey showed today with declining activities due to the Corona virus.

The Automobile Manufacturers and Traders Association reported that sales to companies in April accounted for four out of five cars out of the 4,231 new cars registered during the month. The association cut expectations for a further year to 1.68 million cars, with the goal of registering the lowest level in 30 years.

In January, he expected to sell 2.25 million cars. The association stated that Britain’s auto industry, which is the largest exporter of goods in the country, faces a loss of production of more than eight billion pounds (9.94 billion dollars) due to the Coruña outbreak.

Production in the sector has fallen 14 percent since the beginning of the year, and sales have fallen 43 percent.

The best-selling cars were the Nissan Tesla 3 and 658 cars were registered, although cars like Ford, Volkswagen, and Vauxhall generally compete for this title.

In February 1946, a few months after the end of World War II, new car sales totaled 4,044 cars while the country was still implementing the quota system and trying to rebuild the damage left by the war under the Party’s first majority government. Labor.

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