New Apple Technologies for Your Laptops


According to leaks published by websites specializing in technology matters, Apple seeks to develop new technologies to make its computers more productive and perform faster.

According to the leaks, Apple “is currently developing new processors based on the ARM standard, which will be distinguished by a large number of cores up to 32 cores, and this processor is supposed to be introduced in the MacBook Pro computers that will be introduced later of the next year”.

These processors will be distinguished by the fact that several of their cores will work with great productivity to provide a high speed of data display, while the other part of the cores will save energy to reduce the charge consumption of the computer batteries.

Apple’s ambitions, according to the leaks, will not be limited to regular processors only for computers, but the company will also develop high-performance graphics processors that will reach 128 cores.

It should be noted that Apple had recently launched its new generation of computers equipped with M1 processors that it developed itself, and experts believe that the company intends to develop new generations of these processors, especially after the good influx that it sought to buy these computers, and achieve greater independence from the manufacturer Intel. For processors.

And press reports indicate that the computer electronics market has recently started to be affected by Apple’s moves to develop processors. Shares of Intel fell 2.9% on the seventh of this month, while shares of Apple rose 1.3% the same day, according to “3dnews.”
