Netanyahu takes a heavy blow from those closest to him


World occupation

Elkin launched a strong attack on Netanyahu, emphasizing that “his personal interest was mixed with national interests; he dragged Israel into more than one electoral battle to secure control over the appointments committee” in an attempt to control the judiciary while it is tried for corruption cases..

Elkin launched a strong attack on Netanyahu, emphasizing that “his personal interest was mixed with national interests; he dragged Israel into more than one electoral battle to secure control over the appointments committee” in an attempt to control the judiciary while it is tried for corruption cases..

He added: “As someone who closely monitors this dangerous process, I see personal consideration mingling with national considerations and increasingly exceeding them.” In two years, in the midst of one of the biggest economic and health crises Israel has ever known“.

“Do you remember how I broke into your office the day we went to the third election and begged you to stop this stupidity? All you had to do was give up your personal immunity. Your decision was based on false hope and you led us all to an election that was almost there. The left was going to take power thanks to the Joint List, then my trust in you and the sincerity of your intentions was shattered“.

He went on to say: “Here you are again, out of personal considerations, dragging Israel into a fourth election. You cannot invite the citizens of Israel to vote for you … In recent weeks, I begged you to stop the train that rushed into the abyss, and chose personal interest over public interest, while shirking responsibility“.

Elkin accused Netanyahu of “destroying the Likud party” and said: “I instilled in the (Likud) movement an air of cult of personality, adulation, fear of criticism, going through formalities and nonsense. . But they are afraid of you and the atmosphere you have created. You have destroyed the democracy of the movement. You have excluded the Likud leaders from the circle of influence, and this will not prevent you from trying to recruit them again and making promises. “

On December 8, Sa’ar announced his separation from the Likud party and the establishment of a new party to end the rule of Netanyahu, who was seen as no longer representing the right wing, and later resigned from the Knesset.
