Netanyahu is in trouble … and his camp is trying to exclude the Arabs


The “complex picture” of the results of the Israeli Knesset elections that took place on Tuesday, which appears to make it very difficult to form a right-wing government coalition led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, accompanied by the entry of the “no desired external element “in the government formation options, represented by the United Arab List bloc headed by Mansour Abbas, which probably includes 4 deputies. The official Kan channel asked: “Will Abbas be the egg to form the government?”

Notably, Netanyahu’s two close associates, MK Miki Zohar and Minister Tzachi Hanegbi, stated that they would not reject Al-Mujahidin’s external support. But Amit Segal, a political analyst at Channel 12 television, said: “Even if Netanyahu does it, he doesn’t want one united, he won’t say that. Until you are sure you have 60 seats, otherwise you run the risk of the unit joining a coalition against you. ” Noting that Abbas circles reported that the “United List” had contacted the head of the opposition “There is a party”, Yair Lapid, in order to maintain a close encounter between them.

Abbas expressed his readiness to “give the next government coalition an external safety net in exchange for meeting the needs of the Arab community,” which was accompanied by statements reflecting the spread of racism against Arabs, one of which was from the Likud Deputy Minister of Health. Yoav Kish, who confirmed that “Abbas will never be a partner in a government headed by Netanyahu.”

In turn, the head of the Alliance of Religious Zionism and Fascism Bezalel Smotrich wrote on “Facebook”: “Get this out of your head. A Yemeni government will not be formed with the support of Abbas. Supporters of terrorism who deny the existence of Israel, as a Jewish state, are not legitimate partners of any government. “

Official figures and statistics released by Israel’s Election Commission revealed that Netanyahu had failed to mobilize the votes of the Palestinians in the occupied interior in his favor. The “Times of Israel” website stated that in the months leading up to the 24 Knesset elections, “Netanyahu launched an unprecedented campaign to flirt with the internal Arab voice, seeking to appeal to a community that he had largely ignored and demonized. in the past in the past. “

He noted that “Netanyahu moved among Arab villages, promoted the vaccination campaign against the Corona virus, presented a plan to fight crime in Arab cities and towns, and announced what he called the opportunity (a new era) for Jewish relations- Arabs in Israel. “

A review of the results of the semifinal reveals that “the efforts have reaped some fruits, but support for the Likud party remains minimal in these communities.” The website indicated that each seat in the Israeli Knesset needs 36,000 votes, which is what Netanyahu did not get from the total votes in Arab towns and cities. In Nazareth, for example, the Likud received only 881 votes and in Shafa Amr 435 votes. and kindly with 94 real votes.

Before the elections, Netanyahu claimed that Arab votes could give him 2-3 seats, noting that the turnout of Arab voters at the polls on Election Day was around 44.2 percent, according to the website that It said: “It seemed doubtful that the Arabs would vote. Great importance to Netanyahu.”

It should be noted that the head of the Alliance of Religious Zionism and Fascism, Bezalel Smotrich, called on both the leader of the “Yamina” party, Naftali Bennett, and the head of the “Tikva Hadasha” party, Gideon Saar, to join a government headed by Netanyahu. He addressed them saying, “Let’s put everything aside … let’s sit down today and coordinate our core Netanyahu demands in preparation for the formation of a right-wing government immediately and before Passover (which begins on Saturday).” and a team capable of working and facing the many challenges that lie ahead “.

According to his repeated statements since his defection from the Likud party, Sa’ar refuses to join a government formed by Netanyahu. As for Bennett, he did not speak about the possibility of joining the camp of Netanyahu or his competitors, while he awaited the final results of the elections.

In context, Ze’ev Elkin said that his “New Hope” party “will not join a government led by Netanyahu in fulfillment of a promise he made to his voters. He demanded that another member of the Knesset be appointed to the Likud. government”. He also rejected political cooperation with the “Joint Arab List”.

On the other hand, Lapid and the leader of the “Israel Our Home” party, Avigdor Lieberman, began consultations with parties and movements opposed to Netanyahu, on a bill that will supposedly be enacted by the new parliament, which prohibits the training of anyone facing legal charges.

If this law is passed, it will be used in the next election, noting that Netanyahu faces charges of receiving bribery, breach of trust and fraud.

In turn, former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert warned against “Netanyahu heating up the northern front” to create conditions that would help him evade prosecution in corruption cases. Olmert said “Netanyahu is willing to do anything to evade trial” and accused him of “offering the State of Israel for sale to whoever pays the most.”
