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An Israeli health sector official told the British newspaper “The Guardian” that “hundreds of children between the ages of 12 and 16 who received the Pfizer – Biontech vaccine in Israel had no serious side effects.”

The Israeli Health Ministry recommended that some adolescents be vaccinated if they “suffer from conditions that can make them vulnerable to coronavirus infection.”

“So far we have vaccinated about 600 children and we have not witnessed any serious side effects, and even mild symptoms are very rare, and this is encouraging,” said Boaz Lev, head of the vaccination team in Israel. The children, some of whom have lung disease, had not previously participated in a clinical trial.

Pfizer is conducting a study in children between the ages of 12 and 15 and hopes to start another study for children between the ages of 5 and 11. The University of Oxford also announced a trial to test the AstraZeneca Corona vaccine in children under the age of six. These studies are expected to last several months.

With the vaccination campaign accelerating, Israel is approaching an important milestone in the fight against the pandemic, an achievement that other governments will likely take months to achieve, and that is the decision on whether to start mass vaccinating children, according to the newspaper.

More than half of Israelis have received at least one injection of the coronavirus vaccine, and officials expect about 60% of the population to be fully vaccinated within weeks. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel will complete its adult vaccination campaign in early April.
