Negotiations begin with the International Monetary Fund … and the International Support Group for Lebanon is concerned about deteriorating economic conditions – Al-Bina Newspaper


I started government Lebanese Talks Formal With Box review International To discuss plan Recover The financial Which Set by government. And run Conversations Minister the money Gaseous My weight, Which Which Came distance Discussions Introductory Which Made by day Monday With Representatives About Box review International. Is involved to this is Conversations Equipment Since Ministry Finance And the bank Lebanon, In the presence of Representatives About Desk President The Republic And office President The ministers. Worth it Signal to me is a To complete group this is Conversations About Road conferences the video (video conference)

Indicated My weight to me that government And a box review International maybe Accomplished Stage First Since Conversations With a goal Reach to me an agreement Restores put Economy Lebanese In Road the right thing. Added: U.S Comfortable For the environment this is Discussions The primacy We wait that To be Discussions Coming Constructively As much same.

to me that I drank Collection support International Since yes Lebanon Note Adopt government Lebanese unanimous To plan Recover Finance Like a frame building For repairs Future, as such And his decision On request A program Support for Since Box review International Like a step First to Address the right thing.

I saw the group In Evaluation the bank International For the plan For being Recognize Of course And depth the crisis With reforms And adjustments Structural Necessary to guarantee Do Economie prosperous And built In growth Sustainable And sectors Productivity, to weather And conditions Favorable For business And to develop Sector Private And flourish People Lebanese.

Encouraged Collection support International government Lebanese In Contract all Worried, No Especially People Lebanese to Inquiries Around Content The plan And ways Speed ​​up to Applied. And also, Encouraged the group Both of them Since government Parliament In the play together To initialize Circumstances Necessary To implement Repair Necessary to Hour The Appropriate And we guarantee Transparency And responsibility The two complete Answer To the demands The citizens Lebanese. Taking remember the group With the declaration Outgoing About Your meeting In Paris to eleven Canyon first 2019 about Repair Necessary, Cast Include Implementation of Obligations Which Done Company Outside to Framework conference Cedar, She expressed the group About Support her For Lebanon Help him In Skip the crisis Economic And cash And finances The current And direction Challenges Economic And social And security And humanity As much as About Ramifications pandemic Sk In The country, She called the society International Even in that Organizations International And institutions Finance to me Support for Efforts Lebanon Heading down the crisis Current.

She expressed Collection support International About Your worry About Deterioration Terms Economic And growing Poverty And suffering Which Suffers Of which Lebanese as such Encouraged government In Follow Your commitment Protected the number Growing Since Population Associated For slices The most Poor And in need and in Speed ​​up Accomplished all Measurements Necessary Quickly Reach In help Finance External Additional Get together Needs Humanity Deterioration For the population.

To that, the International Support Group reaffirmed the importance of preserving internal stability and protecting the right to peaceful protest.
