Nasrallah: We will cooperate and facilitate the government formation process


Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah spoke on the occasion of the Prophet’s birthday, during which he referred to the latest events, and congratulated all Muslims and Lebanese on this occasion, passing through love, appreciation and reverence that Muslims feel for the Prophet Muhammad, in addition to their faith in him, his message, his last prophecy. And that he is the best of manners and the most perfect person, and this is the subject of unequivocal consensus among all Muslims, describing this belief in him as a distinct emotional relationship, emphasizing that Muslims cannot tolerate any offense to him. Messenger, and they do not tolerate it nor can they remain silent in the face of any offense or insult to the Messenger of God. This is what makes me enter the first file of my talk tonight, and it is related to the relationship between the French authorities and Muslims to reach a solution so that we do not generate new enmities.

He commented on the incident in the French city of Nice and severely acrimonious, as Muslims of all classes have done, and said: “It is an incident rejected by Islam, and likewise every similar incident that preceded it is rejected anywhere. of the world, and French authorities are not allowed to be responsible for this person’s religion or this person’s followers. The perpetrator “qualifies this behavior as” immoral, because whoever commits the crime endures it alone. “

He went on to ask, “If a Christian committed a crime, can Jesus, God forbid, be accused of being a terrorist?” And he said, “There is no Islamic fascism or Islamic terrorism.”

He referred to “the commission of crimes by the United States of America in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere. Can we say that American terrorism is Christian terrorism?”

He added: “One of the Muslims accused the Christian religion of terrorism, and if it happened and one of them said it, then he is wrong,” asking “to stop such accusations and change the terms Islamic terrorism and Islamic fascism.”

He noted that “Muslims have insulted Islam, especially extremists, and we strongly oppose these behaviors.”

He said, “If some Muslims offend our sanctities, do you have to offend our sanctities?”

He continued his remarks to French officials, saying: “Rather than accuse the Islamic nation of these accusations, come and let us talk to you about your responsibilities with regard to these takfiri groups.”

You accused the French and American authorities of providing facilities to these takfiris and you provided them with protection, and you worked to facilitate their arrival in Syria and Iraq, and they had experience, experience and fighting spirit, and they asked, “How can you be surprised? kill their victims?

And he asked them to return “to the 2011 archive, when we told them not to support these people, and they will respond to them, and they will fill their country with terror, and the threat will be the most serious for you, but pride led them to sin”.

He continued: “What is the relationship of the Prophet Muhammad with these crimes, and what is the relationship of his religion and two billion Muslims in the world, so you should review these positions.

He reiterated his accusation against the French, Europeans and Americans of supporting these people in political projects and reminded them that they are making the same mistakes, and the 9/11 incident is nothing but proof of that.

He emphasized that he spoke from a position of concern on this issue, wondering “who started the problem”, accusing “the malicious French magazine of publishing offensive cartoons for the prophet Muhammad, for which Muslims opposed, but instead that the French authorities took the initiative to deal with the matter consciously, it happened that they declared war on this issue and stuck to it. ” Freedom of expression and insisted on publishing satirical cartoons ”.

He spoke to the French again and said: “There are official practices that repress freedom of expression in France”, recalling the French philosopher Roger Garaudy, who wrote in a scientific way on the subject of the Holocaust, and did not address any offense to the Jewish religion, So what the French authorities just tried, and asked: Is this freedom Expression, “pointing out that” when the issue touches Zionism, then the world rises, but when it touches the religion of Muslims, you say it is freedom of expression “.

And he asked: “Is there freedom of speech at all? Is it the fact that you are like that in France? And if someone publishes secrets related to national security, how do you act? Does freedom of speech stop at moral boundaries? He asked for a reconsideration. “

He addressed a letter to the French authorities and said: “Today there is no one in the Islamic world looking for new enmities, and Muslims are trying to keep the specter of wars away, so they must properly address this issue and be fair and just, and they are not required to submit to terrorism, because no one can cover any. Offending the Prophet while knowing his worth and worth among Muslims. “

He continued: “Instead of mobilizing for greater security, they approached the problem from its foundations, and ended this mockery at its roots,” noting “what the Sheikh of Al-Azhar issued and the adoption of this formulation when adopting international legislation. to criminalize prejudice to the prophets and sacred things, and this would be an outlet for the French authorities and others in their defense of freedom of expression. “

He said: “The world is not allowed to be pushed into confrontations and wars, and the management of this archive depends on the French authorities.”

He then referred to what Yemen witnessed at the gathering of the masses there to revive and defend the birth of the Prophet Muhammad, despite the safety, health and environmental risks, and what Yemen suffers from.

He asked “to pause in the face of this message that we have witnessed in Yemen, especially since they declared their commitment to the Palestinian cause in exchange for those who are immersed in the pleasures of the world and who are rushing to leave Palestine.”

He declared that “due to lack of time, the discussion of various issues will be postponed, and that he will talk about them on 11/11, Martyrs Day.

Then he referred to the formation of government and said: “Our data indicate that the environment is positive, and we will cooperate and work to facilitate the formation process and we will remain positive”, considering that “the moment is one of cooperation and openness. possible to arrive at the formation of a government “.

He also referred to the issue of the high number of infections in the Crown epidemic, highlighting that “indulgence for not adhering to prevention is an immoral and illegal act,” and pointed out that “human responsibility is related to everyone, from what otherwise we are going to a bad and dangerous situation. “
