NASA Study Predicts Catastrophic End for Earth and Nature | Phalanges


A recent scientific study by researchers predicted that the planet will run out of oxygen after approximately 1 billion years, which pretty much spells the end of life on it.

A recent scientific study by researchers from the United States and Japan predicted that the planet will run out of oxygen after about a billion years, which practically means the end of life on it.

Scientists from the United States and Japan have speculated that the sun will heat up, causing the atmosphere to warm and disrupt the work of carbon dioxide, rendering plants unable to produce oxygen.

Oxygen and nitrogen are known to be the two basic components of the Earth’s atmosphere, and oxygen is present in the atmosphere through the photosynthesis process carried out by plants.

The study, which was carried out as part of a program for the US space agency “NASA” and published in the journal “Nature Geoscience”, indicates that in the absence of plant life, the oxygen that humans and animals need to breathe will disappear. “The removal of oxygen in the future is an inevitable consequence of increased sunlight,” he says.

And according to the Science Times website, as our solar system ages, the sun will get hotter and increased solar energy production will heat Earth’s atmosphere and lower carbon dioxide levels.

Source: Free
