Nabatieh Merchants Association: to resume work, starting tomorrow morning


The Nabatieh Governorate Merchants Association asked “to resume work, starting tomorrow, Monday morning, taking into account and respecting the prevention and safety restrictions required of all business owners and merchants.

She said in a statement: “Based on the decision of the Ministerial Anti-Crown Committee, which was taken to gradually reopen the country under conditions that take into account the limitation of the spread of the virus, the head of the Merchants Association from the Nabatiyeh Governorate, Mr. Muhammad Qasim Melli, considered a comment on the veracity of the decision that was taken to cancel the single and double system in the system. Reception in restaurants with fifty percent of their capacity, avoiding the celebration of weddings, keeping nightclubs and bars closed, and resuming the reopening of markets and institutions. Melli sent a message to the Nabatiyeh Governorate merchants to fully adhere to all health measures that take into account spacing and not overcrowding and force all customers to wear a mask inside stores and close their stores shops and institutions. The specific times set by the ministerial commission so that we do not return to the zero point that died in the commercial sector, passed the dream of the merchants and brought them to the brink of bankruptcy.

The statement added: “We, as the Nabatiyeh Governorate Merchants Association, defend the hands of merchants, live their suffering, follow up on stakeholders and oppose any unfair action or decision against them, and always We are working to convey the voice of the suffering suffered by the commercial sector in the shadow of this pandemic, which we hope will end soon and we will work to obtain the vaccine. Whatever it takes as soon as possible for all Lebanese.
