Mustafa Adeeb, Lebanese Prime Minister-designate, apologizes for forming the government


Mustafa adeeb

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Mustafa Adib’s attempts for several weeks to form a government failed

Mustafa Adib, the Lebanese prime minister-designate, has apologized for his mission to form a new government after spending weeks trying to persuade political parties to accept his elections.

Reports were circulating that the issue that settled the matter was the dispute over who should be in charge of the Ministry of Finance.

Adeeb had been assigned to form a government after the explosion that destroyed most of downtown Beirut, and was trying to form a government to deal with the suffocating financial crisis in Lebanon.

The previous Lebanese government resigned after the explosion in the port of Beirut on August 4 this year, which killed more than 190 people, injured thousands and destroyed entire areas of the capital.
