Municipality of Sidón: 103 corona cases and 17 recovery cases are being followed


The Chamber of Crisis and Disaster Management and the Health and Environment Committee of the Sidon Municipal Council announced that the number of people infected with Coronavirus, who are currently being monitored, in the city and its suburbs and in the Ain El camp -Helweh, reached 103.

The Saida municipality media office indicated, in the statement, that the injuries were distributed as follows:

27 injured in the administrative area of ​​Sidon.

43 injured in Sidon suburbs and district.

32 wounded inside Ain El-Helweh camp.

In addition, 17 recoveries and one death were recorded.

The statement continued: “The municipality calls on all citizens and residents of Sidon and its suburbs and Palestinian camps to cooperate and be of the highest degree of responsibility and commitment to health decisions in order not to spread the Coronavirus infection. in society, especially since the hospital’s capacity has reached a critical level. Coronavirus cases must also be treated in accordance with the decisions of the Council of Ministers related to the role of municipalities in this field, at the following telephones: Municipality of Saida – (Operations Room – Crisis and Disaster Management).

In the video – Dr. Shawki Azoury for “Al-Nahar”: This is how we protect our sanity from the hell of catastrophe.

We will not be destroyed …

3 weeks have passed since the Beirut tragedy and the wound has yet to heal. The pain is great but we will not be devastated. We rose from the heart of Beirut, in the “An-Nahar” building, witness to the explosion of the port and which quickly collected the rubble of its offices and came back to life, to say that we will not die and will not go bankrupt again. Our souls are tired, but we will try to protect them with all available means, because the will to live is stronger and protected from destruction.

Dr. Shawky Azoury talks to “Al-Nahar” about how to protect our sanity from the hell of catastrophe.
