Muhammad Nasrallah: There is no international veto on “Hezbollah” in the government


A member of the “Development and Liberation” bloc, MP Muhammad Nasrallah, considered that “Lebanon is at the peak of its crises and we are confident that the French will be sincere in their efforts and help Lebanon to come out of these crises, but the Americans have doubts about their intentions, because their policy in the Middle East is based on Israel’s interest and this contradicts the Lebanese interest. ” Full. “

Nasrallah added, in a talk with the media in West Bekaa and Rashaya, “The Lebanese should be at the level of responsibility to benefit from the positive aspects of the French effort, which we know does not cross the American red lines, but could help. to refine the Western position in general on the Lebanese position if the intentions are. ” Lebanese network “.

He said: “We are going to parliamentary consultations that will lead to the nomination of a president for a new government. The parliamentary consultations are underway and we do not see that there is a reason to postpone them. What we hope is that the consultations are not courtesy of the French president. Emmanuel Macron, coming to Lebanon, and there is nothing wrong with courtesy if it is combined with the birth of a government. ” The imminent dangers for Lebanon are very great and require the formation of a government, to which has been added the cry of the Central Bank, which confirms that it is empty of enough money to sustain basic products, the rise of which will lead to a social explosion financial and monetary that is no less dangerous than the explosion of the port of Beirut and its repercussions and repercussions on the entire Lebanese situation. 55 percent of them have fallen below the poverty line, according to studies, and in what we are today would raise the percentage to the intolerable and intolerable, which could generate disorder on the street in a way that is difficult to control.

He noted: “It is necessary to form an inclusive government in which the broader Lebanese political strata are represented, in cooperation with Parliament, and to activate all constitutional institutions, to be a work machine to address economic crises, as time it does not suit us. We in the Amal Movement and the Development and Liberation Bloc are seriously dealing with the formation of the government that we hope. ” To be quick, we are cooperating. “

In terms of appointing the designated president, Nasrallah saw that the role of the government is political and management of the country’s affairs, but there is nothing to prevent members of the government from having experience in certain fields, and the two things can be combined. , since there is no problem with the government being “technopolitical”. The Development and Liberation Bloc has not made a decision yet. He stressed: “We in the Amal movement are inclined to take on Prime Minister Hariri as prime minister, but the matter depends on Hariri’s wish and the surrounding circumstances.” A meeting with Presidents Berri and Hariri is possible as long as there is interest in it. “

Nasrallah denied that “there is an international determination to exclude Hezbollah from representation in government, as evidenced by French President Emmanuel Macron’s meeting twice with the Hezbollah delegation and gave him privacy and distinction for this meeting. Macron emphasized that Hezbollah it is a political and people-elected party and has not established a ‘veto’ for its meeting. Macron’s meeting with the Hezbollah delegation is a message in itself to the international community, as there is no veto against Hezbollah. “

MP Nasrallah condemned the security chaos traveling from Kuftun to Khaldeh to Rashaya, wishing there was no link between the three security incidents, pointing to the existence of a common denominator to provoke conflicts in the country and try to drag the street to sedition. “We commend the performance of the Lebanese army, which we salute the leaders, officers, sergeants and soldiers, as it plays its role in the protection of Lebanon and the preservation of civil peace, which, if escaped, would pose a threat to the entire entity, since the Lebanese army makes sacrifices every time, and what is the incident in Rashaya and the attack on someone? ” The Lebanese army patrols are nothing more than evidence, and we strongly condemn it. The attack on the army in Rachaya amounts to an attack on Lebanon, and we support it with the other security forces and tell them to go ahead with what they are doing, and God is with you. “

He added: “There is no doubt that there are malicious intentions for those who are working in explosive crises, and what happened in Kuftun is a suspicious and condemned act, and what is required is that the security and judicial services are prepared. As for what happened in Khaldeh, it is a dangerous business where things went in the wrong directions and has many fabrications. However, loose weapons in Lebanon would waste the dignity and institutions of the state and cause victims. These incidents constitute a tension. of the internal Lebanese situation, creating sedition and dragging it to sedition under different headings Politicians should consider these incidents as a source of danger and urgency in political treatment.

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