Mr. Khamenei calls for accountability for the perpetrators of Zada’s murder and those behind him


Iranian leader Ali Khamenei laments the assassination of scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh and emphasizes that the officials involved must follow up on the murder crime, hold the perpetrators and those behind it accountable, and make scientific efforts.

  • Khamenei: The scholar Fakhri Zada ​​was killed by mercenaries, criminals, miserable perpetrators
    Khamenei: scholar Fakhri Zada ​​was killed by mercenaries, criminals, miserable perpetrators

Today, Saturday, the Iranian guide, Ali Khamenei, condoning the murder of scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, said that “the officials concerned must follow up on the murder crime, hold the perpetrators and those behind it accountable, and follow up to scientific efforts “.

He added: “The scientist Fakhri Zadeh was killed by mercenaries, criminals, the wretched perpetrators, and he is one of the distinguished distinguished scientists in the nuclear and defense fields, and a unique scientific figure who was martyred in the way of God by his great scientific efforts and efforts “.

Hours earlier, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani claimed that “his country will avenge the assassination of the head of the Research and Development Organization in the Iranian Defense Ministry, Mohsen Fakhri Zadeh, in a timely manner”, and that “Iran’s enemies they will not achieve their objectives by spreading unrest in the region and terror. ”

He said: “The enemies of Iran should know that the Iranian people are encouraged not to respond to the murder of the martyr Zadeh, and wiser than falling into the trap of the Zionist entity,” and stressed that Iran “will continue the march of the martyr Fakhri Zadeh. to promote their development quickly without stopping. ”

He added: “The assassination is the result of the impotence of the enemies before the scientific progress of the Iranian people, and it occurs after the successive defeats of the enemies in the region and in international political forums, and also reflects the sensitivity of the scenario with regarding the enemies and their efforts to exploit these weeks as possible. “

At the same time, the head of the National Security Committee of the Iranian Shura Council, Mojtaba Dhu al-Nuri, stated that “the cowardly assassination of the martyr Fakhri Zadeh will not go without an answer.”

Iran’s representative to the United Nations, Majid Takht Rawanji, stated that Iran reserves the right to take all necessary measures to defend its people and ensure their interests.

In two identical letters that he addressed to the United Nations Secretariat and the President of the Security Council, he warned against any reckless action by the United States and Israel against his country, especially during the remainder of the current American administration, asking to “condemn the assassination. of the martyr Mohsen Fakhrizadeh “.

He also mentioned that the killing of Iranian scientists had taken place in the past and confirmed that the evidence clearly points to an Israeli involvement in the murder of the martyr Fakhrizadeh.

In the letter, Takht Rawanji blamed the United States and the Israeli entity for this “perfidious” attack.

In the context, the advisor to the Iranian guide for international affairs, Ali Akbar Velayati, considered that the “cowardly murder” of Zada ​​”showed the hostility and malice of those who harbor the misfortune of our people.”

He noted that “the enemies of the Iranian people had failed in the policy of sanctions and maximum pressure, for which they resorted to these acts of cowardice,” stressing that “they will take revenge against those directly and indirectly implicated in the murder.”

The commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, Major General Hossein Salami, said on Friday that “the killing of nuclear scientists is the most violent confrontation of the hegemonic regime.”

“The killing of nuclear scientists is aimed at preventing our access to modern science,” Salami added.

For his part, the head of the judiciary, Ayatollah Ibrahim Raisi, said: “The martyr and fighter Mohsen Fakhri Zadeh sincerely sacrificed his life in defense of the Iranian people and the homeland,” and stressed that his “martyrdom will help pave the way. of prosperity to achieve more scientific achievements for the country. “

Iranian First Vice President Ishaq Jahangiri, in turn, indicated that “the intelligence and security services must quickly identify the perpetrators of the criminal murder.”

The Iranian army commander, Major General Abdul Rahim Mousavi, said that “the Iranian army reserves the right to take revenge on enemies in any other field”, noting that “these criminal acts cannot prevent the great Iranian people from progress and develop peacefully. “

Iranian officials have vowed to avenge the murder of Defense Ministry official Muhammad Fakhrizadeh.

Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif described Zada’s assassination as a “cowardly act” and said it “has strong indications of Israel’s role.”

In turn, the head of the Iranian Shura Council, Muhammad Baqir Qalibaf, promised “to take revenge for the murder of the world martyr Mohsen Fakhrizadeh.”

After the assassination, Israeli media quoted Netanyahu as suggesting “a possible Israeli involvement in the murder of Zada.”
